Russian Orthodox leader said Russian soldiers who die in the Ukraine war are committing a ‘sacrifice’ that ‘washes away all the sins’ as many citizens leave the country to avoid the draft

Russian Orthodox Church Patriarch Kirill I conducts Easter service at the Christ the Savior Cathedral in Moscow, Russia, on April 24, 2022. Sergei Vlasov/Russian Orthodox Church Press Service via AP Patriarch Kirill I said Russian soldiers who die in the war will be absolved of "sins." The Sunday sermin came days after Russia announced the […]

Falcon and Winter Soldier’s Amy Aquino on Sam and Bucky’s Couples Therapy: ‘All of This Gold Was Coming Out’

RELATED STORIES As Zenon would say, Bucky Barnes is in crisis mode major on The Falcon and the Winter Soldier. After decades of being brainwashed to murder against his will, he’s finally processing what’s been done to him through private sessions with his court-mandated therapist, Dr. Christina Raynor, played by Amy Aquino. Although Bucky isn’t […]

9 photos of world leaders standing in the rain to honor fallen soldiers

White House President Donald Trump was criticized on Saturday for not attending a World War I memorial service about 50 miles from Paris because of rainy weather.  The trip to Ainse-Marne American Cemetery and Memorial was canceled “due to scheduling and logistical difficulties caused by the weather,” the White House said, per a press pool […]

The US Army’s new camouflage will hide soldiers and tanks in plain sight — wherever they are

AP Photo/Saurabh Das The US Army is moving foward on next-generation concealment technology to ensure that American soldiers can hide in plain sight. Fibrotex has built an Ultra-Light Camouflage Netting System that can be used to conceal soldier’s positions, vehicles, tanks and aircraft. The new “camouflage system will mask soldiers, vehicles and installations from state-of-the-art […]

Sexual violence, child soldiers & war crimes: UN report slams all sides of Yemen conflict

UN investigators said Saudi Arabia, the UAE and the Houthis may all have committed war crimes, including sexual violence and recruiting child soldiers, in a damning report detailing atrocities in the Yemen conflict. The UN’s Group of Regional and International Eminent Experts on Yemen found all parties in the conflict have committed substantial human rights […]

4 Russian soldiers killed by avalanche in North Caucasus mountains

An avalanche in the Russian Caucasus region has killed four members of the Russian National Guard, regional military authorities have announced. The tragedy in the mountainous region of Kabardino-Balkaria happened during routine exercises in the area, according to Interfax. The National Guard has expressed condolences and promised full support to the victims’ families. They also […]

Hamas reportedly created a fake dating app to lure Israeli soldiers and steal security information

David Silverman/Getty Images Hamas built several fake apps to lure in Israeli soldiers and steal sensitive security information, Israel’s Defense Forces (IDF) has claimed.  Hundreds of Israeli soldiers were contacted on social media this year by a trove of dummy profiles and asked to download dating and sports apps which would give remote access to […]

The Army’s newest non-lethal weapon basically lets soldiers shoot enemies in the face with hot sauce

Andrew Burton/Reuters The Army has a new non-lethal weapon to help soldiers in Afghanistan “irritate and deter” potential adversaries, Army Times reports.  The weapon fires paintball-like projectiles filled with a hot pepper solution. The projectiles have a range of around 50 yards and leave a “debilitating cloud,” impacting the eyes, nose and respiratory system. Weapons like […]

Taliban kills 30 Afghan soldiers, captures military base in 1st major attack since ceasefire

Taliban militants killed 30 Afghan soldiers and captured a military base in the western province of Badghis on Wednesday, in their first major attack since a ceasefire for the Eid al-Fitr holiday, Reuters reported. Provincial Governor Abdul Qafoor Malikzai said the Taliban attacked two security posts in the early hours. One military base was targeted […]