Russian Orthodox leader said Russian soldiers who die in the Ukraine war are committing a ‘sacrifice’ that ‘washes away all the sins’ as many citizens leave the country to avoid the draft

Russian Orthodox Church Patriarch Kirill I conducts Easter service at the Christ the Savior Cathedral in Moscow, Russia, on April 24, 2022. Sergei Vlasov/Russian Orthodox Church Press Service via AP Patriarch Kirill I said Russian soldiers who die in the war will be absolved of "sins." The Sunday sermin came days after Russia announced the […]

‘Aquaman’ Washes Up Exclusive, Goofy Footage [Comic-Con 2018]

The Aquaman Comic-Con panel got started with a big splash – literally. The projection screens surrounding Hall H simulated a tidal wave of water engulfing the hall, resulting in star Jason Momoa taking the stage. Here’s what else washed ashore during the Aquaman Comic-Con 2018 panel. Momoa struck an odd balance between brooding and ecstatic in last year’s […]

Hyundai adds on-demand car washes to its Blue Link service

In a world where you can have your McDonald’s delivered and the UPS driver has access to your Amazon-enabled foyer, keeping the family car clean remains a decidedly low tech affair. You’ve got the choice between pulling out the mop and bucket yourself or driving down to the gas station to have a room-sized robotic […]

Tragic beauty: 30-ton humpback whale washes up on Rio beach (VIDEO, PHOTO)

Published time: 15 Nov, 2017 23:42 The body of a 30-ton humpback whale washed up on Rio de Janeiro’s Ipanema beach on Wednesday, causing a large crowd of sunbathers to gather and take pictures of the tragic creature. Weighing around 30 tons, the whale was discovered on a stretch of sand between Arpoador peninsula and […]

Red alert? Mysterious Soviet buoy washes onto Florida beach after Hurricane Irma

Hurricane Irma left behind a trail of devastation in Florida, but it also delivered something mysterious to its shores – a massive Soviet buoy. Some have suggested the Cold War-era relic came from Cuba. The buoy washed onto shore at Dr. Von D. Mizell-Eula Johnson State Park in Dania Beach in the days following Irma, […]

Mysterious ghost boat washes up on a beach – with NO idea where it came from

The 45-foot sailboat washed up on Melbourne beach in Florida, with no passengers seemingly onboard. Locals deemed it a “mystery boat”, with no suggestion as to what happened to it. Many think that it was washed up from Hurricane Irma, but with most of the boat intact, it poses many questions as to how it […]

Pope washes feet of former mafia in prison during pre-Easter ritual

Pope Francis has washed the feet of more than a dozen inmates during his visit to an Italian high-security prison for former mafia members in a pre-Easter ritual to spread the message of hope and love. The pope celebrated Holy Thursday Mass at the Paliano detention center, the only Italian prison dedicated to specifically housing […]

Sharknado? Man-eater washes up in Cyclone Debbie (VIDEO, PHOTOS)

Published time: 30 Mar, 2017 08:52 A storm can leave in its wake a trail of destruction and devastation, but as Cyclone Debbie made its way through Queensland, Australia, residents of Burdekin Shire weren’t expecting to find a man-eating shark beached on the road. The meter-and-a-half bull shark was discovered on a muddy road near […]