Russian Orthodox leader said Russian soldiers who die in the Ukraine war are committing a ‘sacrifice’ that ‘washes away all the sins’ as many citizens leave the country to avoid the draft

Russian Orthodox Church Patriarch Kirill I conducts Easter service at the Christ the Savior Cathedral in Moscow, Russia, on April 24, 2022. Sergei Vlasov/Russian Orthodox Church Press Service via AP Patriarch Kirill I said Russian soldiers who die in the war will be absolved of "sins." The Sunday sermin came days after Russia announced the […]

CEO Jeff Lawson says Twilio is committing $1M to homelessness programs after Prop C passed: ‘Let’s get it done’ (TWLO)

Twilio Twilio CEO Jeff Lawson announced that his company will commit $ 1 million to support homelessness programs. This comes after 60 percent voted “yes” to San Francisco’s homelessness measure “Prop C” on Tuesday, but this measure, which would bring the city $ 300 million in funding for homelessness programs, is likely to face legal […]

Bentley is the latest luxury car maker committing to EVs

Just a few weeks after Bentley unveiled its first all-electric concept convertible, a lead designer confirmed that the car company known for its gas-guzzling vehicles could start making electric cars fairly soon. Bentley is just the latest in a long line of car makers planning to go electric, of course, with Toyota, Volvo, Porsche, Audi […]

People are committing violent crimes after suffering brain damage — and researchers are trying to figure out why

Jaanus Jagomägi / Unsplash Chelsea started physically attacking her parents after suffering brain damage in an accident at college. She is not alone. There are well-documented cases of people with brain injuries, tumours, and lesions behaving out of character. Studies show that criminals are more likely to have suffered a brain injury than the rest […]

Everyday driving offences you may not know you’re committing – how many are you guilty of?

GETTY There is a number of driving offences that can see motorists face penalties and fines We all like think we’re fantastic drivers that have impeccable standards when we’re on the roads. The reality is though we forget certain rules while driving and acquire bad habits that affect the way we drive.  Motorists often flout […]

Thai man kills baby daughter live on Facebook before committing suicide

Published time: 25 Apr, 2017 19:22 A man broadcast the killing of his 11-month-old daughter on Facebook Live, before taking his own life in a resort town of Phuket, Thai police says. Around 24 hours passed before Facebook took down graphic videos of the murder on request of the digital economy ministry. The 20-year-old man, […]