Russian Orthodox leader said Russian soldiers who die in the Ukraine war are committing a ‘sacrifice’ that ‘washes away all the sins’ as many citizens leave the country to avoid the draft

Russian Orthodox Church Patriarch Kirill I conducts Easter service at the Christ the Savior Cathedral in Moscow, Russia, on April 24, 2022. Sergei Vlasov/Russian Orthodox Church Press Service via AP Patriarch Kirill I said Russian soldiers who die in the war will be absolved of "sins." The Sunday sermin came days after Russia announced the […]

Kiev proclaims its own Orthodox church, hails ‘unification’ after holding ‘schismatic’ council

Ukraine has created an Orthodox church of its own, proclaiming “independence from Moscow.” While the majority of its hierarchs represented schismatic “churches,” Kiev authorities have hailed a supposed “unity” they have achieved. The so-called “unity council” took place on Saturday in Kiev, with the country’s president Petro Poroshenko and other top officials in attendance. The […]

Head of Russian Orthodox Church urges world leaders to stop Kiev from tampering with religion

The fate of millions of faithful and over 200 monasteries are in the hands of Ukraine’s president, the head of the Russian Orthodox Church said, urging the international community to stop Kiev from deepening the religious rift. “Recently, the interference of the leaders of the secular Ukrainian state in church affairs has grown into a […]

‘Go home!’ Ukrainian President Poroshenko calls for Russian Orthodox Church to be purged

Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko lashed out at the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of Moscow Patriarchate, telling it to “go home” in fiery comments, which the Church dismissed as “absurd” and unconstitutional. Concerns voiced by top Russian officials about the ongoing church row in Ukraine are proof that the institution should not be in the country at […]

Freedom of worship? US encourages Ukraine to create independent Orthodox Church

Washington has voiced “strong support” for an autocephalous Orthodox community in Ukraine, while the Russian Orthodox Church has accused the Constantinople Patriarchate of betraying its faith to cater to US political interests. While the Russian government has refused to intervene in Church affairs, Washington, which has little to do with the Orthodox world, reiterated “its […]

The new Great Schism? What's next for the world of Orthodox Christianity

The Russian Orthodox Church has broken all ties with the See of Constantinople, seen as the center of Orthodox faith, though whether it will continue to be seen as such a center is up for debate. Constantinople’s decision to recognize two breakaway Ukrainian churches has cost it the support of the Moscow Patriarchate, the biggest […]

Orthodox Jewish women are being shamed for long 'slutty' wigs

Rabbis in New York are shaming Orthodox Jewish women over wearing wigs deemed to be “too long” and therefore “slutty.” Jewish law requires married Orthodox women to wear wigs, called sheitels, to stop them from enticing men who aren’t their husbands. Religious traditionalists are now cracking down on modern lengths of fake hair, which they […]

Russia’s Putin strips down, dunks himself in freezing waters to mark Orthodox Christian Epiphany

Thomson Reuters Russian President Vladimir Puting stripped down to his trunks and dunked himself in freezing water in an Orthodox Christian ritual to mark the feast of Epiphany. The temperature was -6 C or -21 F. Putin is up for reelection in March, and widely expected to beat out the communist party. MOSCOW (Reuters) – […]

Party like a Russian (peasant): Christmas festival mixes Orthodox and pagan rites

Despite Christianity’s attempts to sanitize it, Russia’s midwinter festival, Svyatki, is the most anarchic, mystical and obscene pagan extravaganza you’ve never been to. Is it too late to join in? Translated as Holy Days, Svyatki begin on Christmas Day – January 7 according to the lagging Julian Calendar used by the Orthodox Church, and end […]