How to Make Ifvod TV More Better

How to Make Ifvod TV More Better Ifvod TV offers many choices in movies and shows. Although it might seem like a simple way to view these movies, the quality can be very poor. Not to mention the advertisements. One company has dedicated it’s time to improving Ifvod TV. We have listed a few reasons […]

Becoming a blockchain developer – all you need to know

There are many vacancies for blockchain developers currently available in international markets – but is specializing in this field a good idea? We take a closer look at this issue. Blockchain is undoubtedly one of the most discussed technologies of the last few years. But as you may know, in IT, the trends change fast. […]

Intel Innovation 2022: live coverage of Raptor Lake launch and more

It’s hardware season, and Intel is up to bat next. The company is hosting its next Intel Innovation event, and the focus at today’s event is expected to be on its next desktop processors, the 13th-gen Raptor Lake. These highly anticipated new chips are the sequel to last year’s 12th-gen Alder Lake, which represented a […]

With the Star Wars series Andor, Diego Luna finally steps into the spotlight

Diego Luna is a star, or at least, he should be one. The 42-year-old Mexican is one of the most recognizable Latino talents in Hollywood, a consistently reliable working actor who delivers good and often great performances when given the chance. Luna has been in Hollywood for nearly twenty years, mainly playing supporting roles, and […]

As ISPs seek payments from Big Tech, Google criticizes “sender-pays” model

Enlarge / Google’s Matt Brittin, president of EMEA Business and Operations, speaks at the Web Summit on November 9, 2017, in Lisbon, Portugal. (credit: Getty Images | Horacio Villalobos ) Big Tech companies shouldn’t have to pay for Internet service providers’ network-upgrade costs, a Google executive said today amid a push in Europe to have […]

Experts debate the ethics of LinkedIn’s algorithm experiments on 20M users

Enlarge (credit: Bloomberg / Contributor | Bloomberg) This month, LinkedIn researchers revealed in Science that the company spent five years quietly researching more than 20 million users. By tweaking the professional networking platform’s algorithm, researchers were trying to determine through A/B testing whether users end up with more job opportunities when they connect with known […]