Experts debate the ethics of LinkedIn’s algorithm experiments on 20M users

Enlarge (credit: Bloomberg / Contributor | Bloomberg) This month, LinkedIn researchers revealed in Science that the company spent five years quietly researching more than 20 million users. By tweaking the professional networking platform’s algorithm, researchers were trying to determine through A/B testing whether users end up with more job opportunities when they connect with known […]

China’s gene-edited babies experiment violated western ethics norms. But China is writing is own.

Mark Schiefelbein/AP Photo Chinese scientist He Jiankui shocked the world with his recent claim that he modified the genes of two babies. However, his methods of achieving a medical breakthrough are consistent with China’s culture of innovation at any cost. While many scientists follow Western standards of medicine and innovation, China may decide to go […]

Acting AG Matthew Whitaker has reportedly been cleared to oversee the Mueller probe by DOJ ethics officials

Pablo Martinez Monsivais/AP Photo Ethics officials at the Department of Justice have reportedly advised Acting Attorney General Matthew Whitaker that he does not need to recuse himself from overseeing the Russia probe.  Whitaker, who has been leading the DOJ since Jeff Sessions’ departure in early November, has been scrutinized over his frequent criticisms of the […]

China forms video game ethics committee as part of crackdown

China’s freeze on game approvals is winding down, although gamers and developers might not like what the thaw entails. The country has revealed the existence of an Online Game Ethics Committee that will screen games to ensure they’re “healthy and beneficial” and address “social concerns,” among other issues. To put it another way, the panel […]

Elon Musk’s secretive LA private school doesn’t just teach spelling and math — it also asks students ethics and critical thinking puzzles you usually don’t see elsewhere

RETURERS/Stephen Lam and ClassDojo & Ad Astra Conundrums Elon Musk‘s Ad Astra school and educational software developer ClassDojo are introducing a set of “Conundrums” for elementary and middle school students. The Conundrums involve open-ended critical thinking and ethics challenges. They address questions that children may not normally encounter in a standard curriculum. ClassDojo shared a […]

The government’s top ethics official said Trump’s business deals ‘raise serious concerns’ — but he doesn’t have the authority to investigate

The acting director of the Office of Government Ethics said some of President Donald Trump’s business deals “raise serious concerns,” but the agency doesn’t have the authority to investigate. Congressional Democrats are concerned about an Indonesian real estate development with Trump-brand properties receiving $ 500 million in loans for from the Chinese government. The ethics office’s […]

Ars on your lunch break, part one: Rodney Brooks and robot ethics

Enlarge / Robots doing robot things. Today is the second week of our experiment connecting a podcast to the written pages here at Ars. Specifically, we’re running episodes of my tech- and science-heavy podcast (called After On) in installments. You can access these episodes via an embedded audio player or by reading accompanying transcripts (both […]

Ajit Pai won’t get his gun—FCC chair rejects NRA award after ethics review

Enlarge / Net neutrality supporter holds a sign outside FCC on Dec. 14, 2017, before vote to repeal net neutrality rules. (credit: Getty Images | Bloomberg) Federal Communications Commission Chairman Ajit Pai will not take possession of the Kentucky handmade long gun that the National Rifle Association (NRA) tried to give him when he won […]