Large genetic study finds first genes connected with ADHD

Enlarge (credit: Wyss Institute, Harvard) If you have ADHD, chances are higher that your siblings do, too. Estimates differ as to how strong the connection is, but the arrows point in the same direction: genetics helps determine someone’s risk for ADHD. Beyond that, we still have myriad questions and not many answers—which genes play a […]

She's Driving Genetic Sequencing Fresh From the Womb

This OZY original series brings to you Medical Breakthroughs – and the people behind them – that could change how doctors treat us, find fixes to today’s diseases and make our lives truly better. Two exhausted but joyful parents welcome their tiny daughter to the world. The nurse whisks her away to get cleaned up, […]

23andMe, Ancestry and others agree to genetic privacy guidelines

A number of genetic testing companies, including 23andMe and Ancestry, have signed onto a set of guidelines that aim to address consumer privacy concerns, the Washington Post reports. The privacy best practices, drafted alongside the Future of Privacy Forum, state that companies should acquire “separate express consent” from customers before handing over their individual-level information […]

Jurassic World Evolution review: Genetic dead ends

Enlarge / She does, in fact, eat the goat. (credit: Frontier Developments) Jurassic World might just be the worst movie I ever paid money to see. It wasted a perfectly fine premise (rich people doubling down on past mistakes for profit) on a soulless, oddly sadistic “adventure” that wiped out whatever hope I had left […]

Door will open to genetic discrimination if act protecting Canadians is overturned, genomics expert says

A genomics and policy researcher with the Li Ka Shing Knowledge Institute at St. Michael’s Hospital in Toronto says the health and personal freedom of patients will be at risk if a challenge by the government of Quebec to Canada’s year-old Genetic Non-Discrimination Act (GNA) is successful.

Scientist wants all Canadian kids with cancer to receive genetic test for drug reactions

A scientist who developed a lab test to predict whether children with cancer are susceptible to potentially life-threatening side effects from three chemotherapy drugs is now focusing on five other medications so parents and doctors can discuss safer, personalized treatment.