With the Star Wars series Andor, Diego Luna finally steps into the spotlight

Diego Luna is a star, or at least, he should be one. The 42-year-old Mexican is one of the most recognizable Latino talents in Hollywood, a consistently reliable working actor who delivers good and often great performances when given the chance. Luna has been in Hollywood for nearly twenty years, mainly playing supporting roles, and […]

Andor first impressions: Star Wars inches toward the best of modern adult TV

Enlarge / Diego Luna returns to the role of Cassian Andor in the newest Star Wars series on Disney+. (credit: Lucasfilm) At its worst, Star Wars: Andor is a sanded-off, PG-13 version of some of the best TV dramas of the past decade. It’s easy to see traces of The Wire, Lost, and Breaking Bad […]

Andor review: Rogue One prequel is slow-burn Star Wars

Gareth Edwards’ Rogue One: A Star Wars Story isn’t the most controversial Star Wars movie ever made, but it still inspires plenty of passionate debate among fans about the place it holds in the beloved sci-fi saga. A gritty, standalone war story set in the period just before the events of Star Wars: Episode IV – […]