Becoming a blockchain developer – all you need to know

There are many vacancies for blockchain developers currently available in international markets – but is specializing in this field a good idea? We take a closer look at this issue. Blockchain is undoubtedly one of the most discussed technologies of the last few years. But as you may know, in IT, the trends change fast. […]

Cryptocurrencies: A Pipe Dream Investment

Article was originally published on GSI Exchange. Investors across the globe have invested nearly $57 BILLION into cryptocurrencies Among the 100 cryptocurrencies that make up this total market capitalization, Bitcoin, the most popular of these alternative currencies, makes up roughly 50% of this entire volume (over $28 billion). Bitcoin’s market cap is so large that […]

Why We Need Gold and Bitcoin

Article was originally published on GSI Exchange. In today’s digital age, we live in two worlds: the physical world and the virtual world. The virtual world cannot exist without the physical world (power outages will attest to this). But we cannot exist in today’s physical world without the virtual world (digital technology has embedded itself into every aspect of […]

Exploring the Impossibility of Full Decentralization

This article is originally published in Albaron Ventures. In our quest to escape from existing corrupt centralized systems, we may believe that it’s possible to achieve complete decentralization. However, recent academic research shows that this is unfeasible — at least sustainably. For example, Bitcoin’s Proof-of-Work (PoW) mechanism relies on many different nodes to “mine,” or verify and […]

Beyond Bitcoin: How Developers are Helping Traditional Banks Modernize

This article was originally published by Index Code Bitcoin and blockchain tend to grab headlines in the world of banking. Cryptocurrency is the poster child of “disruptive technology” in the traditionally slow-moving finance industry. But, there are other areas where developers and software engineers must update business-as-usual in banking in order to survive. According to one survey, 80% […]

The Latest Updates on Blockchain and CBD

Article was originally published on Sunday Scaries. While always present, blockchain technology and CBD have people wanting to know more about both and how they can implement them in their worlds. CBD and blockchain, surprisingly, have similarities, despite having obvious differences. Blockchains and CBD are fairly unknown territories for most people, but they are increasing […]

Making Better Decisions in Crypto Trading

Article was originally published on Sunday Scaries. Crypto trading is easily one of the most stressful professions out there. It’s a game that involves your money, ego, and plenty of uncertainty that will lead to anxiety and rushed decisions. However, there are several techniques that you can do to help you lower your stress levels and make […]

Is Bitcoin Real Money? Tackling The Controversial Topic

Article was originally published on MintDice. Is Bitcoin real money? This question is asked everywhere from political debates to bitcoin gambling forums, so let’s explore. Before we dive into whether Bitcoin is real money, let’s talk about what real money is. Most of us walk around with the definition that money is simply a commonly accepted medium of […]