How 3 hours of inaction from Amazon cost cryptocurrency holders $235,000

Enlarge Amazon recently lost control of IP addresses it uses to host cloud services and took more than three hours to regain control, a lapse that allowed hackers to steal $ 235,000 in cryptocurrency from users of one of the affected customers, an analysis shows. The hackers seized control of roughly 256 IP addresses through […]

Feds claw back $30 million of cryptocurrency stolen by North Korean hackers

Enlarge (credit: Getty Images) Cryptocurrency analytics firm Chainalysis said on Thursday that it helped the US government seize $ 30 million worth of digital coins that North Korean-backed hackers stole earlier this year from the developer of the non-fungible token-based game Axie Infinite. When accounting for the more than 50 percent fall in cryptocurrency prices […]

The Commodity/Cryptocurrency Evolution is Upon Us

Article was originally published on GSI Exchange. 2017 marks that year in which cryptocurrencies finally penetrated mainstream consciousness. A victory lap for the cypherpunk culture that pioneered its foundational technologies and underlying philosophy over twenty years ago? Sort of, but not quite. A schism took place in the perception of the technology itself, widening the […]

Exploring the Impossibility of Full Decentralization

This article is originally published in Albaron Ventures. In our quest to escape from existing corrupt centralized systems, we may believe that it’s possible to achieve complete decentralization. However, recent academic research shows that this is unfeasible — at least sustainably. For example, Bitcoin’s Proof-of-Work (PoW) mechanism relies on many different nodes to “mine,” or verify and […]

Will Bitcoin Ever Be Regulated?

This article is originally published in Albaron Ventures. As Bitcoin and other digital assets continue to grow in adoption and popularity, a common topic for discussion is whether the U.S. government, or any government for that matter, can exert control of its use. There are two core issues that lay the foundation of the Bitcoin […]

33 Cryptocurrencies Described In Four Words Or Less [INFOGRAPHIC]

Infographic was originally published on MrBTC. Cryptocurrency also termed as Digital or Virtual currency is considered as a form of asset and the currency is designed to work as an exchange medium. Crytpocurrency uses strong cryptography to secure the financial transactions. All these cryptocurrencies work on the blockchain technology which is a decentralized system. The best […]

A Guide To Cryptocurrency Exchanges

Article was originally published on MintDice. Many people have heard tons of news around Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies. But at the same time, they might be scratching their heads wondering how to buy virtual currency. As Bitcoin and other types of cryptocurrency become more popular, there are various ways to purchase these digital assets. One […]

Bitcoin ATMs Installation Doubled In 2018

Article was originally published on MintDice. With cryptocurrency’s recent upsurge in popularity, it’s safe to say that a Bitcoin revolution is on the horizon. Bitcoin means different things to different people. To some, it’s an overused industry buzzword that’s slowly starting to lose its meaning; to others, Bitcoin is going to revolutionize the way we […]

Utilizing Blockchain Technology in the Cannabis Industry

This article first appeared on MadebyHemp. Few industries are as misunderstood, or as complimentary, as cannabis and blockchain. Both niches are young and exist in highly speculative markets with foggy regulatory conditions, but have also received an influx of highly talented entrepreneurs and programmers looking to solve some of their respective industry’s largest problems. In […]