Russian Orthodox leader said Russian soldiers who die in the Ukraine war are committing a ‘sacrifice’ that ‘washes away all the sins’ as many citizens leave the country to avoid the draft

Russian Orthodox Church Patriarch Kirill I conducts Easter service at the Christ the Savior Cathedral in Moscow, Russia, on April 24, 2022. Sergei Vlasov/Russian Orthodox Church Press Service via AP Patriarch Kirill I said Russian soldiers who die in the war will be absolved of "sins." The Sunday sermin came days after Russia announced the […]

AHS: 1984 Recap: Sins of the Mother (Plus, Who Created the ‘Blood Curse’?)

Wednesday’s American Horror Story welcomed back two popular players from previous seasons, though no one in 1984 was particularly happy to see them. The episode began with a look back at Jingles’ childhood trauma. In the summer of 1948, Benjamin Richter was just a chubby youngster at Camp Golden Star, where his mom (special guest […]

‘American Horror Story: Cult’ Review: ‘Valerie Solanas Died for Your Sins: Scumbag’ Sets Up a Bloody Battle of the Sexes

(Every week, we’re going to get the discussion going about American Horror Story: Cult by answering one important question: who is the main villain of the episode?) Everything changed in episode 7 of American Horror Story: Cult. Presenting its overarching story in three acts: Ally’s crumbling sanity, a closer look at Kai Anderson’s (Evan Peters) inner circle, […]