Hamas and Israel reportedly reach ceasefire after violent exchange near Gaza left 3 dead

Ariel Schalit Israel and Hamas reportedly reached an uneasy ceasefire after a fiery night of rockets and bombings left three people dead and several others injured in Israel and near Gaza.  A pregnant Palestinian woman and her 18-month-old child were killed in Israeli airstrikes, while seven Israelis were wounded by Gaza rocket fire. The United […]

Israel strikes 140 Gaza targets in response to 150 Hamas rockets (VIDEO)

The IDF has conducted another series of air strikes against at least 20 alleged Hamas targets in the Gaza Strip, after the militant group fired over 150 projectiles into southern Israel. “IDF fighter jets targeted over 20 terror sites in military compounds and in a Hamas training camp. Among the sites targeted were a weapons […]

Israeli jets strike Hamas in Gaza in response to ‘terror acts & violent riots’ at border (VIDEO)

Israeli fighter jets have carried out strikes against Hamas targets in the Gaza strip, in response to the violence and “terrorist acts” the group instigated at the border, as well as cross-border rocket launches, the IDF said. “Tonight, IDF fighter jets targeted an attack terror tunnel in southern Gaza, in addition to several terror sites […]

Hamas reportedly created a fake dating app to lure Israeli soldiers and steal security information

David Silverman/Getty Images Hamas built several fake apps to lure in Israeli soldiers and steal sensitive security information, Israel’s Defense Forces (IDF) has claimed.  Hundreds of Israeli soldiers were contacted on social media this year by a trove of dummy profiles and asked to download dating and sports apps which would give remote access to […]

'Heart Breaker' op revealed Hamas spying on IDF soldiers' phones via dating apps – report

Hamas operatives have been posing as attractive young men and women online in order to trick IDF troops into downloading malicious software that would allow surveillance of their phones, Israeli intelligence said. Around 500 soldiers have been approached by suspicious people on social media and the WhatsApp messaging service, who used Israeli numbers and persuaded […]

Israel pounds targets in Gaza, intercepts Hamas missiles

A vehicle and two Hamas “observation posts” have been targeted and destroyed by Israeli Defense Forces, while the Iron Dome anti-missile system has intercepted at least three rockets fired at Israel from Gaza. A “barrage of projectiles” was launched towards southern Israel after IAF aircraft and IDF tanks shelled the militant organization’s targets inside the […]

Israel strikes Gaza in retaliation for Hamas cross-border fire – reports

Sirens are sounding across Israeli territories bordering Gaza as the Israeli Air Force (IAF) is reportedly conducting new strikes on the enclave. Earlier Tel Aviv denied reports of reaching a truce with the enclave in a deal allegedly brokered by Egypt. More strikes were also allegedly witnessed in the Zeitun neighborhood, in the eastern part […]

Israel military drops leaflets, fires tear gas as Hamas prepares massive protests while US embassy moves to Jerusalem

REUTERS/Mohammed Salem Palestinian protests are expected to escalate on Monday, the 70th anniversary of the foundation of Israel and the day the U.S. Embassy in Jerusalem will be officially opened. Hamas, the militant Islamist group that controls Gaza, has promised larger crowds in Gaza and elsewhere over the next two days. Israeli troops have killed […]

Israeli military strikes Hamas targets after bomb explodes on Gaza border

The Israeli military says several Hamas targets in Gaza has been struck after a bomb exploded on the border near Israeli troops. The explosive device was placed along the border fence area during protests and exploded near an Israeli bulldozer on Wednesday, according to the military. No one was wounded, and there were no immediately […]

'There would be no killings if Hamas told protesters to stay away from border'– Israeli PM spokesman

The deaths during the ‘Great Return’ protest are the fault of Hamas, says the Israeli Prime Minister’s media spokesman. According to him, Israel was only defending from an “onslaught” of Palestinians trying to cross the border. Speaking to RT, David Keyes, Benjamin Netanyahu’s foreign media spokesperson, said the ‘Great Return’ protests staged by Palestinians along […]