Racism, Retaliation and Othering

This article was originally posted on ChangeRoots.com  Racist comments are damaging, so is othering the one who said it I want to acknowledge that I am writing this from a place of privilege. I am a straight-white-man. That said, My father is Jewish and I’ve experienced limited discrimination from being subjected to anti-semitic comments and […]

Retaliation through demolition: Israel destroys Palestinian family home… for the third time (VIDEO)

The Israeli army has razed the home of a Palestinian who has been jailed, charged with killing a soldier. It’s the third time the family’s home has been demolished and more of its members are in jail, on charges including murder. Early on Saturday, a massive Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) detachment arrived at the El […]

Riyadh threatens retaliation for 'actions' against it over missing journalist

Saudi Arabia has rejected any threats against it over the disappearance of Washington Post journalist Jamal Khashoggi, once again declaring its innocence and saying it will respond to any actions with “greater actions.” “The Kingdom affirms its total rejection of any threats and attempts to undermine it, whether by threatening to impose economic sanctions, using […]

Israel strikes ‘10 terror sites’ in retaliation against rocket fire from Gaza

Israeli Air Force jets have launched a series of strikes on Gaza, allegedly destroying several of Hamas’ arms depots and manufacturing facilities, in response to projectiles fired against Israel and other “terrorist activities.” “Moments ago, IAF fighter jets targeted 10 terror sites in three military compounds belonging to the Hamas terror organization in the Gaza […]

Israel strikes Gaza in retaliation for Hamas cross-border fire – reports

Sirens are sounding across Israeli territories bordering Gaza as the Israeli Air Force (IAF) is reportedly conducting new strikes on the enclave. Earlier Tel Aviv denied reports of reaching a truce with the enclave in a deal allegedly brokered by Egypt. More strikes were also allegedly witnessed in the Zeitun neighborhood, in the eastern part […]

Trump threatens China with $100bn more in tariffs as response to Beijing’s ‘unfair retaliation’

Published time: 5 Apr, 2018 22:54 Edited time: 5 Apr, 2018 23:01 Donald Trump has instructed the US Trade Representative to consider slapping China with an additional $ 100 billion in tariffs, accusing China of engaging in “unfair retaliation” instead of backing down to Washington’s pressure. “Rather than remedy its misconduct, China has chosen to […]

China vows retaliation of ‘same proportion’ in response to any new US tariffs

Beijing will not hesitate to take further countermeasures in case Washington decides to impose a new round of tariff hikes against Chinese goods, with China’s ambassador to the US promising a swift and “proportional” response. China’s Ambassador to the United States Cui Tiankai said that the new fares on 128 US goods that took effect […]

China to slap US with up to 25% bigger import tariffs in trade war retaliation

Beijing is hiking up tariffs on more than 128 US imports, including fruit and pork, as part of a tit-for-tat response to US President Donald Trump’s $ 60 billion package of tariffs imposed against China. The additional fares, which range from 15 to 25 percent, will take effect on Monday, the Chinese Finance Ministry said […]

Good Morning Britain: Former MI5 spy issues chilling warning of Putin PLAN for retaliation

Susanna Reid and Richard Madeley discussed the ongoing tensions with Russia and caught up with a former MI5 agent about the Salisbury spy poisoning. Earlier in the month a failed assassination on Sergei Skripal with what is thought to be a nerve agent poisoning. Today, Putin has promised to “respond harshly” to the UK after […]

‘Kickboxer: Retaliation’ Trailer: Van Damme Smokes a Pipe!

Good news, fans of movies with casts that make you say, “Hmm??” There’s a Kickboxer: Retaliation trailer with your name on it! This all new action extravaganza features Jean-Claude Van Damme, Christopher Lambert, Mike Tyson and the guy who played The Mountain on Game of Thrones. Retaliation is the second film in the rebooted Kickboxer series, which first began back in 1989, […]