Farage vows to wipe out Labour in three heartlands ‘I’ve done it once I’ll do it again’

Good Morning Britain returned to ITV this morning and Piers Morgan and Susanna Reid were back presenting after a brief hiatus for October half term. Joining them live in the studio was Nigel Farage MEP to discuss the upcoming General Election and what the Brexit Party’s stance was. During the conversation, he wasted no time […]

Kay Burley vows to take on Piers Morgan with new breakfast show – ‘It’s my turn’

The early morning TV war steps up tomorrow at 7am when Sky News’s Kay Burley@Breakfast takes to the airwaves. As Brexit comes to the boil, channel bosses think it’s the perfect time to have their star name hosting a new show from the heart of Westminster. But Kay says it’s not just MPs who will be […]

Ankara ridicules Pompeo’s ‘lack of knowledge’ after US vows to protect Syrian Kurds from ‘slaughter’

[unable to retrieve full-text content] US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo showed a “worrying lack of knowledge” when he said the US would prevent Turkey from “slaughtering” Kurds in Syria, Ankara said, adding that his remarks paint all Kurds as terrorists. Read Full Article at RT.com

Berlin vows to finally crack down on Arab criminal gangs that have plagued city for DECADES

Seized by fears of being labeled xenophobic, Berlin officials have allowed a parallel world to emerge in Germany’s capital – one inhabited by criminal gangs of Middle Eastern origin. But is it too late for a crackdown? After years of inaction, Berlin law enforcement authorities are finally taking the growing issue of migrant gangs seriously. […]

Crude oil futures pop higher as Saudi Arabia vows to cut production

Ulet Ifansasti/Getty Crude oil futures have spiked in early trade on Monday, finding support on reports that Saudi Arabia will cut production levels in December. Both WTI and Brent futures are up 0.75%, having jumped more than 1% in initial trade. RBC Capital Markets says the likelihood of an official production cut at OPEC’s December […]

Trump vows to corral migrant caravans into ‘nice tent cities’ pending ‘asylum trials’

Countering charges of fearmongering stemming from his description of Central American migrant caravans as “invasion,” President Trump shared his plans to house the newcomers in “very nice” tent cities until their cases are heard. Trump told Fox News he plans to build tent cities to hold the thousands of Central American asylum-seekers currently trekking through […]

US vows to revoke visas and consider sanctions in response to Jamal Khashoggi’s death

Getty Images/Business Insider The US has pledged “appropriate actions” against the people it is now connecting to the killing of journalist Jamal Khashoggi. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo told reporters that the US has “identified at least some of the individuals responsible, including those in the intelligence services, the Royal Court, the foreign ministry, and other […]

Macedonia PM vows to push for name change after referendum fails to reach 50% threshold

Macedonia’s electoral commission has announced that the Sunday referendum to change the Balkan country’s name to the Republic of Northern Macedonia has failed to pass the necessary 50 percent turnout threshold. “On this referendum it is clear that the decision has not been made,” the head of the electoral board, Oliver Derkoski, said. With some […]

'We're going to win!' Pompeo vows China trade war will last until Americans get what they 'deserve'

As the latest US and Chinese tit-for-tat tariffs are about to take effect, Mike Pompeo has reassured Americans that any inconveniences they might suffer in the trade war are temporary, before they emerge victorious and prosperous. After a vast number of American businesses and multinationals expressed concern about the damage from the new tariffs and […]