Ankara ridicules Pompeo’s ‘lack of knowledge’ after US vows to protect Syrian Kurds from ‘slaughter’

[unable to retrieve full-text content] US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo showed a “worrying lack of knowledge” when he said the US would prevent Turkey from “slaughtering” Kurds in Syria, Ankara said, adding that his remarks paint all Kurds as terrorists. Read Full Article at

Washington is ‘working on’ Gulen extradition to Ankara, Turkish FM says

The US is considering fulfilling Ankara’s long standing request to extradite Muslim cleric Fethullah Gulen, the Turkish foreign minister Mevlut Cavusoglu said. Turkey accuses Gulen of masterminding the 2016 coup attempt. According to Mevlut Cavusoglu, US President Donald Trump told Turkish leader Recep Tayyip Erdogan that Washington was “working on extraditing Gulen and other people.” He […]

Ankara warns France over offer of support for Kurdish militia in Syria

The French government’s promise to back Syrian forces led by a Kurdish militia amounts to support for and legitimization of terrorist groups, Turkish Deputy Prime Minister Bekir Bozdag said on Friday. French President Emmanuel Macron on Thursday assured the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF), dominated by the Kurdish YPG, of his support to stabilize northeastern Syria […]

Ankara tries to bury the hatchet with Berlin as Turkish-US ties disintegrate

Published time: 5 Jan, 2018 14:25 Ankara wants to reverse the “spiral” of worsening relations between Turkey and Germany, Turkey’s FM has stated. Melvut Cavusoglu’s call for rapprochement with Berlin comes amid rapidly deteriorating relations with Washington. In an op-ed published ahead of his Saturday meeting with German Foreign Minister Sigmar Gabriel, Cavusoglu wrote that […]

US, Turkey agree to fight ‘all terrorists’ together, including Kurdish PKK & Gulen movement – Ankara

Published time: 24 Nov, 2017 21:45 Edited time: 24 Nov, 2017 21:51 Washington and Ankara have agreed to join forces not only to fight ISIS, but against “all terrorists organizations,” including the Kurdish PKK and the Fetullah Gulen’s movement, the Turkish presidency has said following Recep Erdogan’s phone conversation with Donald Trump. The two leaders […]

‘Blinding’ Israel’s defense? Turkish media says Ankara could disable US radar over F-35 deal threat

An editorial in a Turkish conservative pro-government newspaper said Ankara could leave Israel exposed to an Iranian missile attack by disabling a US radar station, in retaliation for a possible Washington ban on the purchase of F-35 fighter jets. The editorial was published on Sunday by the Yeni Safak newspaper in apparent response to concerns […]

Ankara denies ‘ludicrous’ allegations of plotting to seize cleric Gulen from US

Published time: 12 Nov, 2017 16:01 Turkey’s Embassy in the US has dismissed recent media reports of Ankara allegedly conspiring with former US National Security Adviser Michael Flynn to “seize” the elusive cleric Fethullah Gulen from the US. The Wall Street Journal reported that an investigation into Turkey offering up to $ 15 million to […]

Ankara suspends visa services in Washington in tit-for-tat response to US

Published time: 8 Oct, 2017 21:18 Edited time: 8 Oct, 2017 21:46 The Turkish authorities said they are suspending all non-immigrant visa services provided by the Turkish mission facilities based in Washington as a countermeasure to a similar decision by the US announced just hours before. “Recent events have forced the Turkish government to reassess […]

Turks spew vitriol at Eurowings amid reports ‘fearful’ German pilot refused flight to Ankara

Social media users lashed out at Eurowings after reports alleged that one of its pilots refused to fly to Ankara out of fear for his life, forcing the German carrier to cancel the flight. It comes just days after Germany updated its travel advice for Turkey. Ankara-bound Eurowings flight 4U 2904 was scheduled to depart […]