Another top Pentagon official just resigned

Mariordo Camila Ferreira and Mario Duran/Wikipedia (CC BY-SA 3.0) Department of Defense chief of staff Rear Adm. Kevin Sweeney resigned on Saturday, following other high-profile Pentagon departures. Sweeney said a statement that he “decided the time is right to return to the private sector.” Defense Secretary Jim Mattis also stepped down last month, after President […]

Trump vs. military: Mattis jabs president in farewell message to Pentagon employees

Outgoing US Secretary of Defense Jim Mattis used his last day on the job to take a dig at his soon-to-be-former boss, telling Pentagon employees to “hold fast” in tough times and quoting Abraham Lincoln for some extra motivation. Mattis had planned to leave the administration in February, giving the White House enough time to […]

Pentagon denounces any unilateral military action in ‘their’ part of Syria as unacceptable

The US is worried that “unilateral” military action against its proxy forces might jeopardize its foothold in Syria, claiming that the Kurds are vital in the battle against IS, as Turkey vows to get rid of “separatist terrorists.” Despite major breakthroughs in the battle against Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS/ISIL) terrorists and in the ongoing […]

‘5,239 is not the top line’: Pentagon promises to send even more troops to seal Mexico border

The need to allocate more troops to secure the US southern border against caravans of illegal aliens will likely stretch beyond the announced deployment figure, the Pentagon said, as the first 1,000 troops arrived at the frontier. While the Pentagon still has little clue about the composition of the so-called migrant caravans heading to the […]

Chinese ‘aggressive industry’ threatens US military complex, ‘stable budget’ needed – Pentagon

A new Pentagon report calls China the main threat to the US military-industrial complex, sounding alarm over the decline of some “critical defense functions,” due to Beijing’s actions, workforce shortages and “unstable” funding. “While multiple countries pursue policies to bolster their economies at the expense of America’s manufacturing sector, none has targeted our industrial base […]