20-year-old Linux workaround is still slowing down AMD systems

Enlarge / A second-generation Epyc server chip from AMD, one that may have been running 2002-era Linux code slowing it down. (credit: Getty Images) AMD has come a long way since 2002, but the Linux kernel still treats modern Threadrippers like Athlon-era systems—at least in one potentially lag-inducing respect. AMD engineer Prateek Nayak recently submitted […]

Dominion Voting Systems wants to question several Tucker Carlson and Lou Dobbs producers in their sprawling election conspiracy lawsuit against Fox News

Former Special Counsel Robert Mueller's testimony to Congress is shown on a screen outside of the Fox News headquarters on July 24, 2019 in New York City. Mueller is testifying before the House Judiciary Committee and House Intelligence Committee in back-to-back hearings on Capitol Hill. Drew Angerer/Getty Images Dominion Voting Systems wants Tucker Carlson producers […]

IBM finally proves that quantum systems are faster than classicals

In 1994, MIT professor of applied mathematics, Peter Shor, developed a groundbreaking quantum computing algorithm capable of factoring numbers (that is, finding the prime numbers for any integer N) using quantum computer technology. For the next decade, this algorithm provided a tantalizing glimpse at the potential prowess of quantum computing versus classical systems. However researchers […]

Report: US weapons systems are highly vulnerable to cyber attacks

The Department of Defense will have to ramp up its cybersecurity efforts now that it’s planning to spend $ 1.66 trillion to develop major weapons systems. According to a new report (PDF) by the Government Accountability Office, nearly all of Pentagon’s weapons systems are vulnerable to cyberattacks. The DoD, the report reads, didn’t make cybersecurity […]

Unpatched systems at big companies continue to fall to WannaMine worm

Enlarge / This old mine is still yielding somebody Monero. (credit: Max Pixel (CC)) In May of 2017, the WannaCry attack—a file-encrypting ransomware knock-off attributed by the US to North Korea—raised the urgency of patching vulnerabilities in the Windows operating system that had been exposed by a leak of National Security Agency exploits. WannaCry leveraged […]

5 Learning Management Systems (LMS) Can Help You Help Others Learn

Businesses rely on talent to generate and sell value. Without skilled people to create its products, manage its operations and execute its strategies, a business would inevitably fizzle out of the game and leave better-staffed competitors to take the field.This is the reason why ambitious companies go great lengths to attract top talent,((McKinset & Co.: […]

Google is using AI to run its data center cooling systems

Google’s data centers hold thousands of servers and they power everything from Google Search to Gmail to YouTube. But those data centers need to be kept cool in order for those servers to run reliably. A couple of years ago, Google began applying AI to its data center cooling systems and it offered system controllers […]

New Horizons probe may have detected Solar System’s hydrogen ‘wall’

Scientists have learned a bit about the edge of the Solar System from Voyager 1, but there hasn’t been a lot of corroborating data without follow-up spacecraft. They appear to be getting a second chance, though. NASA’s New Horizons spacecraft has detected what appears to be a “wall” at the edge of the Solar System […]