Pro-Russian bloggers on the front lines of the war are angry about the country’s military mistakes: ‘It’s time to punish the commanders who allowed these kinds of things’

Ukrainian servicemen drive a T-72 tank on the frontline in eastern Ukraine on July 13, 2022, amid the Russian invasion of Ukraine. MIGUEL MEDINA/AFP via Getty Images Some pro-Russian bloggers are criticizing the Russian military's mistakes. Ukrainian counter-offenses have been retaking parts of the country from Russian forces. "It's time to punish the commanders who […]

‘UN was obliged to punish US for sanctions against Iran, but did nothing’

Unilateral US sanctions against Iran resemble an act of war and it was the UN’s obligation to interfere, but it chose to do nothing, putting its own credibility in doubt, political commentator Seyyed Mostafa Khoshcheshm told RT. “Imposing sanctions on nations – state or non-state actors – resembles a declaration of war – that entitles […]

Punish patients who miss appointments with £5 says GP

And she warned: “Without a radical solution to an unsustainable problem I genuinely fear the NHS may crumble.” Doctors estimate that one in 20 people missing appointments means 10 million consultations are wasted every year. A 10-minute slot with a GP costs around £25, meaning the health service is taking a £250million annual hit from […]

Lib Dems expect ‘strong second’ place finish in Lewisham East as anti-Brexit voters punish May and Corbyn

Getty Exclusive: The Liberal Democrats are expecting to hoover up anti-Brexit votes and finish second in Thursday’s by-election in Lewisham East. Canvassing seen by Business Insider suggests Sir Vince Cable’s party is going to leapfrog the Conservatives into second place and win a significant chunk of Labour voters. “The anti-Brexit message has got through to […]

China May Punish United and American Over Taiwan References

China May Punish United and American Over Taiwan References Advertiser Disclosure The credit card offers that appear on the website are from credit card companies from which receives compensation. This compensation may impact how and where products appear on this site (including, for example, the order in which they appear). This site does not […]

China has started ranking citizens with a creepy ‘social credit’ system — here’s what you can do wrong, and the embarrassing, demeaning ways they can punish you

REUTERS/Stringer The Chinese state is setting up a vast ranking system system that will monitor the behaviour of its enormous population, and rank them all based on their “social credit.” The “social credit system,” first announced in 2014, aims to reinforce the idea that “keeping trust is glorious and breaking trust is disgraceful,” according to a […]

Muslim MPs sent ‘Punish a Muslim Day’ letters encouraging mosque bombings

Muslim MPs have been sent threatening letters which urge people to carry out acid attacks against Muslims, bomb mosques and pull off hijabs. The ‘Punish A Muslim Day’ letters are being investigated by counter-terrorism officers. The MPs were also sent packages with a “suspicious substance” inside. Three people were hospitalized on Monday and Tuesday as […]

YouTube reveals how it will punish creators’ ‘egregious actions’

YouTube will make sure creators who step out of line can feel the consequences of their actions in a big way. After cutting off Logan Paul’s ad revenue, the video platform has revealed its new policies written to address creators’ “egregious actions.” In other words, stunts that can cause a lasting damage to the reputation […]

‘Punish them for what they did’: CNN’s Chris Cuomo grills Kellyanne Conway on Trump’s refusal to impose Russia sanctions

Screenshot/CNN CNN host Chris Cuomo grilled White House counselor Kellyanne Conway on the Trump administration’s Monday decision not to impose new sanctions on Russia.  Cuomo argued that the Trump administration is refusing to punish Russia for interfering in the 2016 US presidential election. “They interfered in the election to try to disrupt our democracy,” Cuomo […]

United’s youth punish Toffees

Video United’s youth punish Toffees1:29 Football: Anthony Martial and Jesse Lingard have both scored stunners to guide The Red Devils to a 2-0 win over Everton. January 2nd 2018 a minute ago /display/ news and galleries/Football/ Football Liverpool leave it late1:27 January 2nd 2018 3 minutes ago /display/ news and galleries/Football/ Jesse Lingard’s superb strike […]