UN chief asks wealthy nations to impose windfall taxes on fossil fuel industry

Enlarge United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres had just returned from a visit to flooded Pakistan when he stepped before the UN General Assembly to give a speech on Tuesday. Poverty-stricken regions experiencing the most severe climate change impacts like Pakistan were front-of-mind when he declared, “Today, I am calling on all developed economies to tax […]

UK set to impose new “tech tax” on Silicon Valley giants

Enlarge / LONDON – Chancellor of the Exchequer Philip Hammond poses with the budget box at 11 Downing Street before the announcement of the Autumn Budget Statement in the House of Commons on October 29, 2018. (credit: Wiktor Szymanowicz / Barcroft Media via Getty Images) Britain’s top financial official has included a new “tech tax” […]

CEO says Facebook will impose new EU privacy rules “everywhere”

Enlarge / Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg. (credit: Anthony Quintano / Flickr) Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg took an apologetic tone in a call with reporters Wednesday afternoon, weeks after the Cambridge Analytica debacle that has put a new level of pressure on the social media giant. “We didn’t think about how people could use these tools […]

‘Punish them for what they did’: CNN’s Chris Cuomo grills Kellyanne Conway on Trump’s refusal to impose Russia sanctions

Screenshot/CNN CNN host Chris Cuomo grilled White House counselor Kellyanne Conway on the Trump administration’s Monday decision not to impose new sanctions on Russia.  Cuomo argued that the Trump administration is refusing to punish Russia for interfering in the 2016 US presidential election. “They interfered in the election to try to disrupt our democracy,” Cuomo […]

Trump administration says it won’t impose new sanctions against Russia

The Trump administration indicated on Monday that it would not seek specific sanctions against Russian operatives for its meddling in the 2016 US election. President Donald Trump signed into law in August a bill designed to curb billions of dollars in Russian defense sales. The US State Department says the effects of that law are […]

FCC chair wants to impose a cap on broadband funding for poor families

Enlarge (credit: Getty Images | MarsBars) Federal Communications Commission Chairman Ajit Pai wants to impose a budget cap on the Lifeline program that helps poor people buy broadband and phone service. Under previous Chairman Tom Wheeler, the 32-year-old Lifeline program was expanded to let poor people use a $ 9.25 monthly household subsidy to buy Internet […]

Iraq launches military operation to ‘impose security’ in Kirkuk region

Baghdad has deployed its military and pro-government militias to secure Kurdish Peshmerga-controlled bases and federal installations near Kirkuk, urging them to “avoid confrontations” and “protect all civilians” in the multi-ethnic, oil-rich region. Early Monday morning, Iraqi government troops supported by the People’s Mobilization Forces (PMF), a state-loyal umbrella organization composed of some 40 militias, have […]

Now EU to impose car quotas – Manufacturers to be forced to build more electric cars

The UK Government recently revealed that they would be banning the sales of all petrol and diesel cars in the UK by 2040, in a shock new move to tackle pollution.  Car manufacturers have since stated their intentions to push towards electrification with Volvo and Maserati both revealing that from 2019 all cars produced with […]

US senators aim to impose sanctions on financial entities dealing with North Korea

US senators will soon introduce new sanctions targeting financial institutions dealing with Pyongyang. The bill threatens to expel those conducting business with North Korea from the US financial system. US Senators Chris Van Hollen (D- Maryland) and Patrick Toomey (R- Pennsylvania) proposed bipartisan legislation on Wednesday aimed at “achieving a nuclear free Korean Peninsula” after […]