UN chief asks wealthy nations to impose windfall taxes on fossil fuel industry

Enlarge United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres had just returned from a visit to flooded Pakistan when he stepped before the UN General Assembly to give a speech on Tuesday. Poverty-stricken regions experiencing the most severe climate change impacts like Pakistan were front-of-mind when he declared, “Today, I am calling on all developed economies to tax […]

A new perk for the wealthy, right in their own apartment buildings: resident-only restaurants and drinks on the house in private bars

Luxury apartments are rolling out fancy and resident-exclusive restaurants. The Wall Street Journal reported that a recent crop of such eateries have sprung up in Miami. Glitzy real estate offerings of the past have featured similar wild giveaways, like art galleries and trips to space Landlords occasionally attach a few perks to apartments or houses […]

Want Wealthy Backers for Your Music? Try London's Salons

Upstairs in the double-height drawing room, in front of the floor-to-ceiling window, a viola player is poised behind her music stand. Her accompanist is at the Steinway piano. After a few words from host Vivien Mclean to her assembled friends, Virginia Slater and Adam Johnson launch into Fauré’s Élégie; Slater plays a furious run up […]

Wealthy childhood ‘increases risk’ of dying from asthma

But new research suggests that deaths from the respiratory disorder among children and younger adults in England was more common in affluent areas. One possible explanation is that cleaner homes increase the risk of childhood allergies. Some scientists think a lack of early childhood exposure to germs increases the chance of allergic diseases and that […]

17 historical photos that show how the wealthy once traveled on ships just like the Titanic

The Titanic sank in the early hours of April 15, 1912 — killing over 1,500 people and becoming one of the most famous maritime disasters in history. But the Titanic was just one of countless passenger liners that dotted the seas and dominated the travel industry during the late 19th and early 20th centuries. These […]

How to do your taxes like the wealthy

Thomas Lohnes/Getty Images To do your taxes like the rich, you must first identify your taxable income and then determine which tax bracket you fall into. One way to protect your money is by making a conversion from a traditional IRA to a Roth IRA, as you will enjoy tax-free benefits later on in life.  […]

Badoo’s wealthy founder Andrey Andreev explained the ways he takes his obsession with food to the next level

Business Insider/Ed Maggio Badoo CEO Andrey Andreev eats at Michelin-starred restaurants almost every day. Andreev often adds his own dishes and cocktails to restaurant menus. The tech CEO doesn’t like to spend over 30 minutes in a restaurant if he’s there for lunch — or over an hour if he’s having dinner with friends. Walk […]

You Don’t Have to Be Wealthy (or Even Be Invited to Anything) to Have a Great Time at Pebble Beach

– Pebble Beach is coming up. I mean, not right away, but if you want to go, you should start planning now. Because at this point in the year, you might still have time to make a billion dollars, and I think that having a billion dollars would really enhance your Pebble Beach experience. But […]

11 signs you’re going to be wealthy, even if it doesn’t feel like it

Vince Caligiuri / Stringer / Getty Images Warren Buffett is one of the richest people in the world because he saved and invested — and didn’t follow get rich quick schemes. Wealth is attainable to everyone with good financial habits, and you may already be on the right path. Spending less money than you earn, […]

Bill Gates urges super wealthy to pay ‘significantly higher' taxes

One of the world’s richest men, Bill Gates, says he should pay more in taxes and urged the US authorities to require other billionaires to contribute “significantly higher” amounts. “I need to pay higher taxes. I’ve paid more taxes – over $ 10 billion – than anyone else, but the government should require the people […]