FCC has approved $6 billion in broadband grants despite rejecting Starlink

Enlarge Several US government agencies are having a busy week for doling out broadband deployment funding to ISPs and state governments. Today, the FCC announced $ 791.6 million for six broadband providers, covering network expansions to over 350,000 homes and businesses in 19 states. The ISPs will receive the money over 10 years. “This round […]

Microsoft will help expand rural broadband access in Vermont

Microsoft is continuing to help more people in rural areas gain broadband access through its Airband Initiative. It’s teaming up with Vermont to expand connectivity there, while offering students access to digital skills and computer science programs. With the help of RTO Wireless, an ISP, Microsoft is building out broadband infrastructure in the state as […]

Microsoft says the rural broadband divide is worse than you think

Politicians and regulators like to say they’re increasing access to broadband in rural areas, but the reality might be far less rosy. Microsoft has conducted a study showing that far fewer Americans have broadband access than FCC data suggests. While the FCC is currently focused on availability and notes that 24.7 million people can’t get […]

Ajit Pai wants to raise rural broadband speeds from 10Mbps to 25Mbps

Enlarge (credit: Steve Johnson / Flickr) The Federal Communications Commission is planning to raise the rural broadband standard from 10Mbps to 25Mbps in a move that would require faster Internet speeds in certain government-subsidized networks. The FCC’s Connect America Fund (CAF) distributes more than $ 1.5 billion a year to AT&T, CenturyLink, and other carriers […]

FCC Republican claims municipal broadband is threat to First Amendment

Enlarge / FCC Commissioner Michael O’Rielly speaks during an FCC meeting in Washington, DC on November 16, 2017. (credit: Getty Images | Bloomberg) A Republican on the Federal Communications Commission claimed that municipal broadband networks pose a unique threat to First Amendment free speech rights—but provided no compelling evidence to back his claim. FCC Commissioner […]

Entire broadband industry sues Vermont to stop state net neutrality law

Enlarge (credit: Getty Images | eccolo74) The nation’s largest broadband industry lobby groups have sued Vermont to stop a state law that requires ISPs to follow net neutrality principles in order to qualify for government contracts. The lawsuit was filed yesterday in US District Court in Vermont by mobile industry lobby CTIA, cable industry lobby […]

Ajit Pai faces rare criticism from GOP senator on rural broadband failures

Enlarge / FCC Chairman Ajit Pai speaks during an FCC oversight hearing held by the Senate Commerce Committee on Thursday, August 16, 2018. (credit: Getty Images | Bloomberg) US Sen. John Thune (R-S.D.) yesterday blasted the Federal Communications Commission, saying it has failed to prevent budget cuts in funding for rural broadband. “It has been […]

Hidden fees that raise price of broadband would be banned by proposed law

Enlarge / Bill shock. (credit: Getty Images | Biddiboo) US Rep. Anna Eshoo (D-Calif.) today introduced legislation that would require telecom companies to include all charges in their advertised prices, potentially ending the practice of advertising low prices and then socking customers with loads of extra fees. The bill would also force telecom companies to […]

FCC funds rural broadband for more than 700,000 homes and businesses

As part of its efforts to make broadband more available in rural areas, the Federal Communications Commission announced that the Connect America Fund Phase II “reverse auction” will bring broadband service to more than 700,000 homes and businesses for the first time. More than half of those will have download speeds of 100Mbps or more, […]