Kim Jong-un panic: North Korea fears as Dennis Rodman declares ‘Something is WRONG!’

Kim Jong-un was feared dead for over two weeks after North Korea‘s leader disappeared from the public eye ahead of a major holiday in April. The sudden disappearance of the supreme leader sparked international concerns about a potential successor and instability in the region. North Korea later claimed Kim had returned to work after sharing […]

Political pawn? N. Korea ordered to pay $501mn over US student’s death as Trump pushes new Kim talks

A US judge has ordered North Korea to pay damages to the family of a student who died in the US after being released from North Korean custody, yet, behind the scenes, both sides seem to have bigger questions in mind. Beryl Howell, the chief judge of the US District Court for Washington, DC, demanded […]

All aboard Kim Jong-un’s ‘Orient Express: Taking a train across North Korea

Allie Dunnington December 14, 2018 Share this article As one of the first tourists allowed to travel on an overnight sleeper through a remote part of North Korea, Allie Dunnington reports on how things have changed since she last visited a decade ago. I don’t agree with boycotting countries. They never harm the regime, but […]

Largest dog slaughterhouse in South Korea closes to become public park

Officials will clear out South Korea’s largest dog slaughterhouse over the next two days. The canine house of horrors has been shut following pressure from animal rights groups and a decline in the consumption of dog meat. The slaughterhouse, south of the capital Seoul, will be dismantled to make room for a public park. Korean […]

US won’t let Russia ease North Korea sanctions, Haley says

Russia says it’s trying to ease sanctions on North Korea to make aid organisations’ work there possible. The US says it won’t let that happen. Following a closed-door UN security council meeting this Thursday requested by Russia and China, US ambassador Nikki Haley told press members that Russia is trying “to lift banking restrictions” against […]

The US changed its mind about banning cluster bombs because of North Korea

Reuters/US Air Force file photo The United States reversed its plan to ban cluster munitions last year and kept its dated stockpiles for one reason: North Korea, a top defense official said Friday. “That policy change was driven by the North Korean situation,” Deputy Defense Secretary Patrick Shanahan said.See the rest of the story at Business Insider […]