Federal court upholds law banning tech companies from censoring viewpoints

Enlarge (credit: Smith Collection/Gado / Contributor | Archive Photos) For the past year, Texas has been fighting in court to uphold a controversial law that would ban tech companies from content moderation based on viewpoints. In May, the Supreme Court narrowly blocked the law, but this seemed to do little to settle the matter. Today, […]

‘Big elections coming!’ Philip Schofield highlights REAL reason EU are banning AstraZeneca

“Having said that they’ve already said, firstly, that they didn’t think it works with the older population and now they’re saying that there are health issues which have been disputed.  “This is a bit of a shambles isn’t it?” Nick and Camilla then gave their opinions on this story.  Nick replied: “It is political, they’re […]

Facebook is banning far-right militia Proud Boys after a violent attack in New York

Stephanie Keith/Getty Images Facebook is banning accounts and groups associated with the Proud Boys, a far-right extremist group linked to political violence in the US. Earlier in October, Proud Boys members were involved in a violent attack on protesters in New York, and  five members have since been arrested. Groups with tens of thousands of […]

The US changed its mind about banning cluster bombs because of North Korea

Reuters/US Air Force file photo The United States reversed its plan to ban cluster munitions last year and kept its dated stockpiles for one reason: North Korea, a top defense official said Friday. “That policy change was driven by the North Korean situation,” Deputy Defense Secretary Patrick Shanahan said.See the rest of the story at Business Insider […]

‘Brutally honest’: Outcry forced Facebook to stop banning pics of starving Yemeni girl

A backlash prompted Facebook to stop removing posts featuring a photo of an emaciated seven-year-old Yemeni girl, which accompanied a harrowing New York Times report from the war-torn country. The atrocities in Yemen don’t make poignant headlines in Western mainstream media as often as stories about chemical weapons in Syria or ‘Russian meddling,’ as the […]

Banning Alex Jones proves Twitter can’t be impartial

All efforts to save @RealAlexJones and @InfoWars from themselves have failed, and you can blame Jack Dorsey for that. Whether or not he intervened in applying a seven-day suspension for rulebreaking tweets (the company denies it) he’s successfully undermined the values Twitter claims to hold high. A month ago, when YouTube and Facebook took action […]

Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey to testify before House committee over ‘shadow banning’ & bias claims

Twitter’s chief executive Jack Dorsey will appear before the House Energy and Commerce Committee on Sept. 5 to testify about the company’s algorithms that have repeatedly raised suspicions of judgment bias and stealth censorship. The panel plans to grill Dorsey about “the complex processes behind the company’s algorithms and content judgment calls,” and expects him […]

Princess Eugenie is enforcing an unusual rule at her wedding – banning this item

Princess Eugenie, 28, is marrying her long-term partner Jack Brooksbank this October. Eugenie has been planning the wedding for months but has kept most of the big day’s details under wraps. But the Princess has recently revealed some pretty big details about her upcoming nuptials, including details on her wedding dress and the unusual rule […]

Op-ed: Alex Jones is a crackpot—but banning him from Facebook might be a bad idea

Enlarge / Alex Jones (credit: Oli Scarff/Getty Images) Facebook and YouTube both have strict rules against posting content that is hateful, pornographic, or violates someone’s privacy. But what if someone posts content that is just egregiously false? Right now, neither Facebook nor YouTube have rules banning this kind of content. And critics say that’s a […]