Pro-Russian bloggers on the front lines of the war are angry about the country’s military mistakes: ‘It’s time to punish the commanders who allowed these kinds of things’

Ukrainian servicemen drive a T-72 tank on the frontline in eastern Ukraine on July 13, 2022, amid the Russian invasion of Ukraine. MIGUEL MEDINA/AFP via Getty Images Some pro-Russian bloggers are criticizing the Russian military's mistakes. Ukrainian counter-offenses have been retaking parts of the country from Russian forces. "It's time to punish the commanders who […]

Mueller is investigating a $150,000 payment a pro-Russian oligarch made to the Trump Foundation during the campaign

Alex Wong/Getty Images The special counsel Robert Mueller is reportedly probing a $ 150,000 donation a pro-Russian Ukrainian oligarch made to the Trump Foundation in September 2015. The oligarch, Victor Pinchuk, made the donation after then-candidate Donald Trump gave a 20-minute speech at a European conference that promoted closer ties between Ukraine and the West. […]

Putin warns US not arm Ukraine, says pro-Russian rebels may send their arms elsewhere in response

Thomson Reuters XIAMEN, China (Reuters) – Russian President Vladimir Putin said on Tuesday that any decision by the United States to supply defensive weapons to Ukraine would fuel the conflict in eastern Ukraine and possibly prompt pro-Russian separatists to expand their campaign there. On a visit to Kiev last month, U.S. Defense Secretary Jim Mattis […]

Records reveal $1.2 million in secret payments from a pro-Russian political party to Paul Manafort’s consulting firm

AP Photo/Matt Rourke WASHINGTON (AP) — Last August, a handwritten ledger surfaced in Ukraine with dollar amounts and dates next to the name of Paul Manafort, who was then Donald Trump’s campaign chairman. Ukrainian investigators called it evidence of off-the-books payments from a pro-Russian political party — and part of a larger pattern of corruption […]