People in Lebanon are holding up banks to withdraw their own money amid the country’s financial crisis

A Lebanese policeman stands guard next to a bank window that was broken by depositors on Wednesday, Sept. 14, 2022. Hussein Malla/Associated Press Two people in Lebanon staged bank holdups Wednesday, demanding money from their own bank accounts. One of them said she needed to withdraw money for her sister's cancer treatment. Banks in crisis-hit […]

Pro-Russian bloggers on the front lines of the war are angry about the country’s military mistakes: ‘It’s time to punish the commanders who allowed these kinds of things’

Ukrainian servicemen drive a T-72 tank on the frontline in eastern Ukraine on July 13, 2022, amid the Russian invasion of Ukraine. MIGUEL MEDINA/AFP via Getty Images Some pro-Russian bloggers are criticizing the Russian military's mistakes. Ukrainian counter-offenses have been retaking parts of the country from Russian forces. "It's time to punish the commanders who […]

Escape to the Country’s Nicki Chapman slams buyer’s mistake ‘Be realistic!’

Since 2009, Nicki Chapman has been presenting Escape to the Country. Earlier today, she joined Kym Marsh and Gethin Jones on BBC One’s Morning Live where she discussed the biggest mistakes potential buyers make when they choose to move from the city to the country.  Kym asked: “So many people are considering escaping that hustle […]

Lovecraft Country’s Atticus Is on the Hunt for a Museum’s Buried Secrets in Season 1 Sneak Peek

RELATED STORIES The next time you’re in a natural history museum, take a closer look at the reptiles’ smiles. Because an otherwise unremarkable incisor might just be the key to “some Journey to the Center of the Earth-type s–t,” as is the case in this new sneak peek from HBO’s upcoming Lovecraft Country. The new […]

China is furious and global markets are in an uproar as the daughter of one of the country’s richest men languishes in a Canadian jail

Jeff Vinnick/Getty Images China is furious, the markets are beside themselves, and after a pretty ordinary performance by her lawyers on the second day of a bail hearing, the daughter of one of China’s richest men is waiting in a Canadian jail for what might be a long time. Here’s the latest in the arrest […]

Guatemalans told to evacuate as the country’s ‘volcano of fire’ begins to erupt

AP Several Guatemalan communities were told to evacuate on Monday as the country’s most active volcano begins to erupt for the third time in 2018.  The National Coordinator for Disaster Reduction (CONRED) urged eight communities to leave their homes, but later tweeted some weren’t going. The 12,346-feet (3,763-meter) “Volcano de Fuego” or “Volcano of Fire” […]

Australia says it’s open to moving its Israeli embassy to Jerusalem — and it could affect the country’s trade deals

Lior Mizrahi/Getty Images Indonesia may be considering killing off a trade deal with Australia after it raised the idea of moving its Israeli embassy to Jerusalem. Morrison told reporters he was “open-minded” on moving Australia’s embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, and recognizing Jerusalem as Israel’s capital. The statement provoked Indonesia, has the largest Muslim population in the world, […]

France is sending a warning to Syria over a looming offensive against the war-torn country’s last rebel holdouts

Reuters PARIS (Reuters) – France’s top military official said on Thursday his forces were prepared to carry out strikes on Syrian targets if chemical weapons were used in an expected government offensive to retake the northern province of Idlib. Russia, an ally of President Bashar al-Assad, resumed air strikes against insurgents in Idlib on Tuesday […]

Chelsea Manning may be banned from visiting Australia because she doesn’t meet the country’s ‘character’ test

The Australian government is preparing to ban whistleblower and activist Chelsea Manning because she does not meet the country’s “character requirement.”  The former soldier spent seven years in prison for releasing a trove of classified military documents to Wikileaks.  Manning had previously been denied entry to Canada in 2017 because of her criminal record.  The […]

An American clothing giant is reportedly turning its back on Wrangler and Lee, 2 of the country’s most iconic denim brands

Facebook/Wrangler VF Corp. is considering selling or spinning off its denim business, including iconic American brands Lee and Wrangler, the Wall Street Journal reported.  VF Corp has owned the brands for decades. The possible move comes as denim sales wane amid the growing popularity of activewear, such as yoga pants.  Clothing giant VF Corp. is […]