‘Fair report privilege’: Judge backs BuzzFeed in Russian’s lawsuit over Steele dossier

A federal judge in Florida ruled for BuzzFeed in a defamation lawsuit brought by a Russian internet entrepreneur accused of hacking the Democratic Party in the salacious Steele dossier that was published by the outlet. Because BuzzFeed did not attest to the truth of the allegations contained in the dossier and published the documents in […]

Trump-Russia dossier was created so Clinton could challenge 2016 election results – Steele

The British ex-spy who authored the infamous dossier alleging collusion between Donald Trump and the Kremlin said one of his goals was to give Hillary Clinton legal basis to challenge the 2016 election results. Christopher Steele’s salacious 17-page report was commissioned by Fusion GPS, a firm connected to Clinton’s campaign. “Based on that advice, parties […]

Donald Dossier: Watch the Dow

When Donald Trump strode into the National Cathedral in Washington last week, launching a million ridiculous takes about his body language with past presidents, the nation was in the midst of honoring former President George H.W. Bush. Aside from paeans to Bush’s civility and even temperament — often veiled shots at Trump — “41” was […]

Comey admits FBI failed to verify Steele Dossier it used to obtain a spy warrant on Trump's aide

Former FBI Director James Comey has admitted the Steele dossier was still uncorroborated by the FBI at the time he left the bureau. The infamous dossier was used by the FBI to monitor Trump aide Carter Page. The House Oversight Committee has released a 235-page transcript of Comey’s grilling 24 hours after the former FBI […]

‘Be very careful:’ Comey was the first person to tell Trump about the Steele dossier before the inauguration — he couldn’t have been more nervous

BRENDAN SMIALOWSKI/AFP/Getty Images Donald Trump first learned about the allegations contained in the Steele dossier from then-FBI Director James Comey on January 6, 2017. He told Trump about the document after an intelligence briefing about Russia’s interference in the 2016 election at the Trump Tower. Comey described the experience as “really weird” and said Trump […]

Mueller may have evidence corroborating a key dossier allegation about Michael Cohen and Russian collusion

Alex Wong/Getty Images The special counsel Robert Mueller reportedly has evidence connecting President Donald Trump’s longtime personal lawyer, Michael Cohen, to a shadowy trip to Prague in 2016. Details of the alleged trip first emerged in the so-called Steele dossier, which said Cohen traveled to Prague to meet with Kremlin representatives to discuss how to […]

The author of the Trump-Russia dossier claims the Kremlin told Trump not to nominate Mitt Romney for secretary of state

Thomson Reuters The author of the dossier detailing President Donald Trump’s alleged connections to Russia wrote another report in late 2016 that alleged Russia had intervened to block Trump’s nomination of former Utah Gov. Mitt Romney for secretary of state. Russia allegedly wanted Trump to pick someone who would cooperate with them on their goals […]

Russiagate escalates: As Republicans vote to release the memo, Democrats bring up ‘2nd dossier’

After Republicans on the House Intelligence Committee voted to publish a memo reportedly revealing FBI abuses of spying powers based on the controversial “Steele dossier,” a report has emerged of a second dossier’s existence. On Monday, the committee voted along party lines to make public the four-page, classified memo commissioned by Chair Devin Nunes (R-California), […]

DOJ extended surveillance of Trump campaign adviser over Steele dossier findings – report

A House Intelligence Committee memo shows Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein approved extending surveillance on former Trump campaign adviser Carter Page, based on allegations in the Steele dossier. The request was made shortly after Rosenstein took office last spring, when Attorney General Jeff Sessions recused himself from the department’s Russia investigation, said three people familiar […]