Comey admits FBI failed to verify Steele Dossier it used to obtain a spy warrant on Trump's aide

Former FBI Director James Comey has admitted the Steele dossier was still uncorroborated by the FBI at the time he left the bureau. The infamous dossier was used by the FBI to monitor Trump aide Carter Page. The House Oversight Committee has released a 235-page transcript of Comey’s grilling 24 hours after the former FBI […]

Google will verify the identity of those buying US political ads

Following similar moves from Facebook and Twitter, Google has now announced how it will be handling political ads going forward. All three have been compelled to address the issues that arose from the last US presidential election, during which Russian groups purchased election ads aimed at sowing political discord. In a blog post, Google Senior […]

UN says it is unable to ‘independently verify allegations’ of alleged chem attack in Douma

While the West, and the US in particular, rush to accuse the Syrian government of an alleged chemical attack in the rebel-held town of Douma, the UN has admitted that it is unable to “independently verify the allegations.” “We’re not in a position at this point to independently verify the allegations [about the alleged chemical […]

Facebook will verify identities of popular Pages and political ad buyers

Facebook Chief Executive Mark Zuckerberg on Friday endorsed U.S. legislation to regulate political ads across the internet, a concession to lawmakers days before he is scheduled to testify in two U.S. congressional hearings. Zuckerberg also said Facebook would begin requiring people who want to run ads on the social network addressing political issues to verify […]

NASA wants your pictures of clouds to verify its satellites’ data

NASA announced this week that it’s looking for some citizen scientists to help out with a project. Six orbiting instruments make up NASA’s Clouds and the Earth’s Radiant Energy System (CERES) project and they are used to study Earth’s climate and the role clouds play in climate change. But sometimes it’s hard for these instruments […]

Feds have spent 13 years failing to verify whether passport data is legit

Enlarge / Leonel Cordova (L) and Noris Cordova, who are not plaintiffs in this lawsuit, speak to a CBP officer at Miami International Airport on March 4, 2015 in Miami, Florida. (credit: Joe Raedle/Getty Images) For over a decade, Customs and Border Protection has failed to properly verify e-passports (which contain biometric data) as “it […]

Facebook will send postcards to verify US election ad buyers

Facebook has a new yet very old solution to fighting Russian manipulation attempts during future US elections: conventional mail. Global policy program director Katie Harbath has revealed that the social network will send postcards to verify the identities and locations of anyone hoping to buy ads related to federal-level candidates. Recipients will have to enter […]

Metromile debuts Ava, an automated assistant that uses car sensor data to verify insurance claims

Pay-per-mile car insurance service Metromile is touting a new “first of its kind” automated claims system designed to speed up the process of verifying and paying out claims. Metromile’s new artificial intelligence (AI)-powered claims assistant, dubbed Ava, promises to reduce the manual processes traditionally required to collect a claimant’s details and issue payments. Founded in 2011, Metromile […]

Open letter to Jack Dorsey: Verify @alt U.S. government accounts

OPINION: Dear Mr. Jack Dorsey, Federal employees who created so-called alternative @alt government accounts in response to the Trump Administration’s media gag orders need your help. I’m speaking about the people behind such accounts as @altUSEPA, @blm_alt, @realALTNPS, and many others. As the new administration assaults the established science of climate change, questions the worth of labor statistics, and generally undoes […]