Comey admits FBI failed to verify Steele Dossier it used to obtain a spy warrant on Trump's aide

Former FBI Director James Comey has admitted the Steele dossier was still uncorroborated by the FBI at the time he left the bureau. The infamous dossier was used by the FBI to monitor Trump aide Carter Page. The House Oversight Committee has released a 235-page transcript of Comey’s grilling 24 hours after the former FBI […]

Plants repeatedly got rid of their ability to obtain their own nitrogen

Enlarge / Plants. (credit: James Petts / Flickr) Plants, like all living things, need nitrogen to build amino acids and other essential biomolecules. Although nitrogen is the most abundant element in air, the molecular form of nitrogen found there is largely unreactive. To become useful to plants, that nitrogen must first be “fixed,” or busted […]

Avengers 4: Captain America travels back in time to obtain the Soul Stone from [SPOILER]?

WARNING SPOILER FOR AVENGERS INFINITY WAR AHEAD The Avengers are seriously screwed. At the end of Infinity War, Thanos, the villain won and half the universe died – included a ton of the superheroes. So what do they do now? Well Marvel‘s Avengers 4 set photos have suggested some sort of time travel or multi-verse […]