Takashi Miike Was Careful With Where He Put The Most Violent Parts Of Audition

Dates can go very wrong in horror movies. Carrie White’s prom date with Tommy Ross goes up in flames before the last dance, in both Stephen King’s novel “Carrie” and Brian De Palma’s film adaptation. In Sean Byrne’s Aussie horror movie “The Loved Ones,” poor Brett doesn’t even make it to his school dance after […]

After careful consideration, NASA ready to launch SLS rocket as is

Enlarge / The SLS rocket may launch on Saturday from Kennedy Space Center in Florida. (credit: Trevor Mahlmann) KENNEDY SPACE CENTER, Fla.—Five days after NASA’s first attempt to fly the massive Space Launch System rocket ended with technical problems, the space agency is ready to try again. A launch team began fueling the rocket on […]

The Careful Art of Delegation

Do you find yourself constantly feeling busy? Or, maybe you feel like you have too much on your plate? Perhaps you have a to-do list with no end in sight, or many responsibilities to juggle on a daily basis at work. When you get home, you have household responsibilities to take care of, too, and […]

Careful what you wish for: ThinkProgress gets censored by Facebook fact-checkers

Left-wing opinion site ThinkProgress has found itself censored by Facebook’s ‘fact checkers,’ just weeks after calling on the social network to censor right-wing polemicist Alex Jones. A ThinkProgress article on Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh, published Sunday, was deemed ‘fake news’ by Facebook’s fact checkers. The article itself claimed that Kavanaugh would overturn Roe v. […]

IP owners are too careful, and it’s stifling creativity in games

GUEST: Popular books, hit films and TV series, characters from graphic novels, and even toys can all be translated into the digital space, allowing fans to immerse themselves in their favorite fictional worlds — and adding new income streams and brand extensions for the intellectual property (IP) holder. This increases the possibility of brin…Read More

‘Careful what you wish for!’ Trump slams Maxine Waters for urging harassment of officials

US President Donald Trump has fired another salvo on Twitter, this time aimed at California Congresswoman Maxine Waters’ recent call for Americans to harass administration officials so that they have “no peace.” “Congresswoman Maxine Waters, an extraordinarily low IQ person, has become, together with Nancy Pelosi, the Face of the Democrat Party,” Trump tweeted out […]

‘Be very careful:’ Comey was the first person to tell Trump about the Steele dossier before the inauguration — he couldn’t have been more nervous

BRENDAN SMIALOWSKI/AFP/Getty Images Donald Trump first learned about the allegations contained in the Steele dossier from then-FBI Director James Comey on January 6, 2017. He told Trump about the document after an intelligence briefing about Russia’s interference in the 2016 election at the Trump Tower. Comey described the experience as “really weird” and said Trump […]

Ant McPartlin impersonator concerned over future shows 'I've got to be careful now'

Comedy impressionist Danny Posthill made it to the final of Britain’s Got Talent in series nine, and has spoken out during his show this weekend. In the 2015 semi-finals, Danny impersonated hosts Ant and Dec as part of his act, before adding to his routine about the presenting duo in the final. He finished 7th […]

Careful phasing of a photonic qubit brings light under control

Enlarge / Splitting photons up into a collection of neighboring frequencies may help with quantum computation. (credit: NIST) Way back when I started writing for Ars, experimental quantum computing had just started to take off. At the time, the big demonstrations of quantum computation were very simple calculations, performed using single photons as repositories of […]