A bipartisan group of former senators put together an open letter urging current lawmakers to become ‘zealous guardians’ of America’s democracy

Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images A bipartisan group of 44 former US senators put together a letter to the current US Senate, saying the nation is “at an inflection point in which the foundational principles of our democracy and our national security interests are at stake.” The senators addressed the letter to their colleagues and warned of […]

‘Careful what you wish for!’ Trump slams Maxine Waters for urging harassment of officials

US President Donald Trump has fired another salvo on Twitter, this time aimed at California Congresswoman Maxine Waters’ recent call for Americans to harass administration officials so that they have “no peace.” “Congresswoman Maxine Waters, an extraordinarily low IQ person, has become, together with Nancy Pelosi, the Face of the Democrat Party,” Trump tweeted out […]

Nancy Pelosi is urging Paul Ryan to rein in Republicans hindering the House Intel Committee’s Russia investigation

House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi is urging House Speaker Paul Ryan to stop Trump allies from hindering the House Intelligence Committee’s investigation of Russia’s meddling in the US election. Pelosi said in a Thursday letter to Ryan: “Political haste must not cut short valid investigatory threads” related to the probe, which followed an assessment from […]

Democratic lawmakers are urging a first-term congressman accused of sexual harassment to resign

AP Photo/Cliff Owen/File Democratic lawmakers are telling Rep. Ruben Kihuen, a first-term congressman who represents Nevada’s 4th Congressional District, to resign after allegations of sexual harassment. Kihuen’s campaign finance director accused Kihuen of making repeated sexual advances toward her during his 2016 campaign. House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, who earlier this week called on fellow […]

Top doctor, hospital, and insurance groups release joint statement urging the Senate to reject Graham-Cassidy bill

Jacquelyn Martin/AP Images A group of six major doctor, hospital, and insurance groups released a joint statement on Saturday condemning the latest GOP effort to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act, urging the Senate to reject the Graham-Cassidy bill. “While we sometimes disagree on important issues in health care, we are in total agreement […]

UK halves humanitarian aid to Nigeria while urging it to tackle Boko Haram

Published time: 31 Aug, 2017 12:39 Edited time: 31 Aug, 2017 12:41 The British government has halved the amount of humanitarian aid it gives to Nigeria, while calling on its leaders to do more to tackle extremist group Boko Haram. Read more The UK will give the African country £200 million (US$ 257 million) of […]

Steve Mnuchin’s Yale classmates are urging him to resign from the Trump administration in protest

Mark Wilson/Getty Images Members of treasury secretary Steve Mnuchin’s 1985 Yale class are urging him to resign from the Trump administration in protest. The group cited President Donald Trump’s handling of the deadly Charlottesville, Virginia, rally last weekend in an open letter to Mnuchin being circulated on Friday, Yale Daily News reported. More than 290 […]

Woman sentenced to 2.5 years in jail for text messages urging boyfriend to kill himself

A Massachusetts woman who texted her boyfriend with relentless insistence that he kill himself, is to spend at least 15 months behind bars after he ended his life inhaling carbon monoxide through a portable water pump he let into in his car. Juvenile Court Judge Lawrence Moniz in Bristol County ruled Thursday that Michelle Carter, […]

‘Irresponsible, unprofessional’: NYPD slams Trump comments urging police not to be ‘too nice’ to suspects

AP Photo/Evan Vucci One day after President Donald Trump drew cheers and applause from a crowd of police officers by urging them not to be “too nice” to suspected criminals, the commissioner of the New York Police Department denounced Trump’s comments as sending “the wrong message.” “The NYPD’s training and policies relating to the use of […]