NYC Mayor Adams criticizes ‘humanitarian crisis made by human hands’ as city considers cruise ships to house migrants bussed to East Coast

New York City Mayor Eric Adams speaks at the ribbon-cutting ceremony for the Jackie Robinson Museum, Tuesday, June 26, 2022, in New York. Julia Nikhinson/AP NYC Mayor Adams decried the migrant "humanitarian crisis" that has brought over 11,000 migrants to the city. Texas Gov. Abbott has bused about 2,500 migrants to NYC in a political […]

Moscow appoints action star Steven Seagal special envoy on Russia-US humanitarian ties

Hollywood star Steven Seagal, who was granted Russian citizenship back in 2016, is going to be Moscow’s special representative on humanitarian relations with the US. The veteran actor’s task will be “to contribute to the further development of Russian-American relations in the humanitarian sphere, including interactions in the fields of culture, art, public and youth […]

‘Looming disaster’: Saudi coalition seeks US aid to capture Yemen port & last humanitarian lifeline

The Saudi-led coalition is reportedly seeking direct US support to recapture the port city of Hodeidah in Yemen. The battle for the humanitarian lifeline would spell disaster for the locals, human rights agencies warn. For nearly a week, the Saudi-led coalition forces have been preparing to launch a large-scale offensive on Hodeidah, the fourth-largest city […]

UK claim of ‘humanitarian reasons’ for Syria strikes picked apart online

The United Kingdom’s deployment of the “humanitarian” card to justify its airstrikes on Syria has raised more than a few eyebrows, with opposition politicians, journalists and members of the public picking it apart on Twitter. Speaking at the United Nations Security Council on Saturday, Britain’s UN ambassador, Karen Pierce, laid out the UK’s legal justification […]

‘Humanitarian Crisis in Hollywood’: Chronic homelessness vs. the American Dream

Thousands of people in one of America’s richest cities live on sidewalks infested with flesh-eating bacteria and tuberculosis. A Redfish Media report looks at the chronic homelessness crisis in Los Angeles. Homelessness in Los Angeles has increased 43 percent in just four years. Skid Row, the epicenter of homelessness in the City of Angels, is […]

143k civilians & rebels left E. Ghouta amid humanitarian ceasefire – Russian MoD

Over 143,000 people, including tens of thousands of rebels and their families, have left Syria’s eastern Ghouta amid a ceasefire which also helped some 40,000 residents return to their homes, the Russian military said. “143,194 people in total, including 105,857 civilians as well as 13,793 militants and 23,544 members of their families have left eastern […]

Russian military’s drones & cams show E. Ghouta humanitarian corridors (LIVE)

Published time: 16 Mar, 2018 06:49 Edited time: 16 Mar, 2018 07:07 People walk with their belongings as they flee the rebel-held town of Hammouriyeh, in the village of Beit Sawa, eastern Ghouta, Syria March 15, 2018 © Omar Sanadiki / Reuters Syrian civilians are being evacuated from the Eastern Ghouta area near Damascus via […]

First group of 50+ civilians safely leaves E. Ghouta via humanitarian corridor – Russian MoD

Dozens of Syrians have managed to flee besieged Eastern Ghouta, in the first passage through a humanitarian corridor. Civilians said they had been living in fear of being killed by militants for any perceived wrongdoing. On Sunday night, a group of 52 civilians, half of whom were children, managed to leave the embattled Damascus suburb […]

East Ghouta militants ‘deliberately’ undermine humanitarian & reconciliation efforts – Russian MoD

Jihadists in control of East Ghouta are “deliberately exacerbating” the humanitarian crisis in the Damascus suburb, hindering all government attempts to help civilians, according to the Russian Center for Reconciliation in Syria. “The humanitarian, social and economic situation in Eastern Ghouta is deliberately exacerbated by the leaders of the al-Islam, Failak Ar-Rahman and Jabhat al-Nusra […]