The person who is doing most to undermine the Reserve Bank of India

SOMETIME IN THE 1990s Jagdish Bhagwati, one of India’s most distinguished economists, encountered Swaminathan Gurumurthy, a financial commentator associated with the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS), a Hindu-nationalist organisation. Mr Gurumurthy was making the case that globalisation, brought in by well-connected financiers, was destroying India. Mr Bhagwati came to a caustic conclusion. If RSS ideologues like […]

ISS hole rumors undermine relations among crew, Russian space boss warns

The head of Russian space corporation Roscosmos has called on reporters and the public to stop speculating about a recently discovered hole in the ISS hull, saying that such rumors harm the relations between crew members. “Spreading rumors and speculation about what has happened on the ISS [International Space Station] does not help experts in […]

UK plan to turn OPCW into politicized quasi-prosecutorial body will undermine intl security – Russia

Moscow strongly opposes the UK’s attempts to give chemical watchdog OPCW authority to pin the blame in chemical attack probes, as it may turn the body into a political tool and undermine the entire international security system. An ongoing special conference of the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) in The Hague was […]

Ukrainian sanctions on Russian media undermine democracy, should be called off – HRW

The newly-imposed ban on Russian media outlets in Ukraine limits freedom of expression and undermines democracy in the country, Rachel Denber, deputy director for Human Rights Watch (HRW) in Europe and Central Asia, said. “The Ukrainian government’s sanctioning of Russian state media outlets is part of a series of measures it has taken that limit […]

How North Korea’s offer to end its nuclear weapons program may undermine Trump and his sanctions

North Korean leader Kim Jong Un indicated to South Korea that he’s willing to halt missile and nuclear tests in exchange for security guarantees from the US. An agreement might even include the dismantling of the nation’s nuclear weapons arsenal. President Donald Trump took credit for the development, claiming his administration’s recent economic sanctions led […]

East Ghouta militants ‘deliberately’ undermine humanitarian & reconciliation efforts – Russian MoD

Jihadists in control of East Ghouta are “deliberately exacerbating” the humanitarian crisis in the Damascus suburb, hindering all government attempts to help civilians, according to the Russian Center for Reconciliation in Syria. “The humanitarian, social and economic situation in Eastern Ghouta is deliberately exacerbated by the leaders of the al-Islam, Failak Ar-Rahman and Jabhat al-Nusra […]

Mueller Indictment Against Russia Details Efforts to Undermine US Democracy

Robert Mueller’s office has come out with a 37-page indictment that details the extraordinary lengths Russian agents went to influence the 2016 presidential election.