Egyptian security forces kill 19 militants linked to attack on Christian pilgrims

An anti-terrorist raid ended with 19 Islamist militants killed in a firefight as Egyptian security forces cornered them in a mountainous area in Minya Province, the Interior Ministry said on Sunday. The officials linked the militants to the terrorist attack in Minya earlier this week. On Friday, gunmen killed seven people when they opened fire […]

‘Chlorine delivered’: Idlib militants ‘readying false flag attack’ in Syrian village – Russian MoD

Published time: 15 Sep, 2018 19:40 Edited time: 15 Sep, 2018 19:52 Militants in Syria’s Idlib have transported several canisters containing chlorine to the village of Bsanqul, apparently preparing to stage a false flag chemical attack, the Russian Defense Ministry has said. The chlorine-filled canisters were delivered by the Al-Qaeda-affiliated militants of Tahrir al Sham, […]

Netherlands ends support to Syrian militants & White Helmets since Assad ‘will soon win’

The Netherlands has decided to end its support to militants in Syria, since the program did not yield “expected” results. The move comes as journalists found one of the groups had been labeled as terrorists by the country itself. “The opportunity to quickly change the situation [in Syria] is extremely small,” reads the letter the […]

ISIS kidnappings soar in Iraq, despite declared victory over militants, but ‘media stays silent’

Despite the Western Coalition declaring victory over Islamic State in Iraq last year, the militants’ activity is surging. More Iraqis are kidnapped every month, as state media stays silent, a government security adviser told RT. The Western Coalition declared Iraq “completely liberated” from Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS) in December, but the militants’ activities didn’t […]

3 Russian journalists injured by gunfire as Douma militants disperse people celebrating liberation

Three Russian journalists have been injured in Syria’s eastern Ghouta when their bus came under small arms fire. All of them have received non-life threatening wounds, according to the Russian Defense Ministry. The incident occurred when reporters were about to return from the Syrian town of Douma, the last militant-held stronghold in the eastern Ghouta […]

1,000 of militants & relatives leave Syria’s E. Ghouta for Idlib – Russian MoD

Militants and members of their families, 988 people in total, exited the besieged Eastern Ghouta area through a humanitarian corridor on Saturday. The deal was struck with the Failaq Al-Rahman militant group following the Russian Reconciliation Center for Syria-sponsored negotiations, the Russian military said on Sunday. The people have been transferred to the Syrian Province […]

Egyptian president visits Sinai ahead of election, says militants will ‘soon be defeated’

Egyptian President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi said on Friday that militants in the Sinai Peninsula would soon be defeated. He visited troops there days ahead of an election in which he is set to win a second term, Reuters reports. Polls will open on Monday when voters choose between Sisi and one little-known candidate who supports […]

100s of militants & civilians leave Harasta, East Ghouta, under official pact (DRONE VIDEO)

Hundreds of militants and their families have begun leaving the town of Harasta in East Ghouta on Thursday, under a special, Russian-brokered agreement with the Syrian government, which will see them transported to Idlib province. Two videos of Thursday’s mass evacuation have been obtained by RT’s Ruptly video agency. The drone footage shows a caravan […]

Syria’s Eastern Ghouta militants prepare chemical attack provocation, Russian MoD tipped off

Militants holed up in Eastern Ghouta are preparing to stage a “false flag” attack to accuse the Syrian government forces of using chemical weapons against civilians, Russia’s Defense Ministry said, citing a tip from a local. On Monday, the Russian Reconciliation Center received a phone call from one of the residents of the al-Wanar quarter […]