The EU is sending millions of anti-radiation tablets to Ukraine to protect people from a potential accident caused by fighting at a nuclear power plant

Overview of the Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant on August 29, 2022. Satellite image ©2022 Maxar Technologies. The European Union said that it is preemptively donating 5.5 million anti-radiation tablets to Ukraine. Potassium iodide will help protect civilians if there's an accident from fighting at a nuclear plant. Southern Ukraine's Zaporizhzhia has seen recent shelling, sparking […]

Fists of fury: Warrior channels fierce fighting spirit of Bruce Lee

Andrew Koji plays Ah Sahm, a martial arts prodigy who immigrates to 19th-century San Francisco from China and gets caught up in the Tong Wars. In 1971, Hollywood lore has it that the legendary Bruce Lee pitched an idea for a TV series about a martial artist in the Old West. Skittish studio heads passed […]

Paige: WWE wrestler reveals WALKOUT fears over Fighting With My Family movie

The film – an adaptation of a documentary of the same name – stars Florence Pugh as Paige, with writing and direction from Stephen Merchant. And the Norfolk-born 26-year-old retired wrestler has explained her relief that audiences are responding to her story so warmly. Speaking to Collider, she said: “I wasn’t surprised about the reviews. […]

Fighting Nazis for a Living

In 1970, crosstown busing came to Richmond, Virginia. Richard Cohen, then only a teenager, persuaded his parents to let him attend an integrated public school instead of private school. He ended up leaving high school a year early to begin college at Columbia University, where he studied philosophy. Cohen, now the president of the Southern […]

People hadn’t set foot in this ancient ‘lost city’ in the Honduran jungle for 500 years. Now the government is fighting to save it.

National Geographic/David Yoder The Honduras government is fighting to save land threatened by illegal cattle ranching, which contributes to deforestation. The land is home to the treasured Moskitia rainforest, the second-largest rainforest in Central America and a key player in the fight against climate change.  It’s also home to the vaunted “White City,” a lost […]

The Pit Bull Lover Fighting Trump's Battles on Capitol Hill

Getting any president’s agenda passed in Congress is difficult, but it’s even harder when the president sends out a tweet or does an impromptu television appearance where he completely upends his previously stated policy positions or delicate negotiations that were already underway. But that’s Donald Trump’s style. And, as the newly minted head of the […]

San Francisco’s second largest tech employer, Uber, won’t take sides on the controversial homelessness measure that the city’s tech execs are fighting about (CRM)

Proposition C is a ballot measure in San Francisco that would tax the city’s largest corporations to provide relief in the city’s ongoing homelessness crisis.  San Francisco’s biggest tech employer, Salesforce, and its CEO, Marc Benioff, have been the biggest advocates in favor of Prop C.  The city’s second largest tech employer, Uber, has been […]

Floyd Mayweather, Tenshin Nasukawa and Rizin Fighting Federation: Explained

Floyd Mayweather Jr. has called an end to his latest dalliance with retirement, and agreed to step into the ring with kickboxer Nasukawa at Rizin’s year-end show in Saitama, Japan. RT Sport gives you the lowdown on his opponent, Rizin and discusses whether this is a publicity stunt or true athletic endeavor. Combat sports retirements […]

Fighting talk: Rival fans troll Khabib’s football team with chants of ‘Conor McGregor’ (VIDEO)

Fans of Russian club Zenit St. Petersburg knew the perfect way to rile supporters of Anzhi Makhachkala in their game at the weekend, chanting the name of UFC star Conor McGregor – who soon fights local hero Khabib Nurmagomedov. Dagestani-born Nurmagomedov is a huge football fan and a big supporter of local team Anzhi, who […]