The Colour Of Ink Review: Celebrating Ancient Art As Medicine [TIFF]

If I was an art teacher, I would make “The Colour of Ink” part of my curriculum every year. The documentary, which premieres at the 2022 Toronto International Film Festival (TIFF), is one of those humble, understated gems that could easily be missed in the hustle-and-bustle of flashier, sexier films. The subject matter isn’t exactly […]

3D technology uncovers the causes of death of 3 ancient South American mummies — and it isn’t pretty

The “Marburg mummy”—Macroscopic views of the whole mummy. (A) Frontal and (B) lateral view. Anna-Maria Begerock, Robert Loynes, Oliver K. Peschel, John Verano, Raffaella Bianucci, Isabel Martinez Armijo, Mercedes González, and Andreas G. Nerlich A report published Friday examined the causes of deaths of three South American mummies. The two male mummies died violently, while […]

How a giant eagle came to dominate ancient New Zealand

Enlarge / The now-extinct Haast’s eagle hunting moa in New Zealand, which lacked other large predators. Today scientists are looking at the ancient history of the islands’ birds to better understand how “natural” biological invasions happen. (credit: John Megahan/CC) New Zealand has long been known as a place for the birds—quite literally. Before people arrived […]

calc.exe is now open source; there’s surprising depth in its ancient code

Enlarge (credit: jakeandlindsay) Microsoft’s embrace and adoption of open source software has continued with the surprising decision to publish the code for Windows Calculator and release it on GitHub under the permissive MIT license. The repository shows Calculator’s surprisingly long history. Although it is in some regards one of the most modern Windows applications—it’s an […]

Grizzly end to 2018: Hundreds of Romanians ‘bear all’ in bizarre ancient NYE ritual (VIDEO)

Hundreds of Romanian people donned their finest genuine bearskin and red tassels as they grunted and swayed their way through a bizarre parade as part of a traditional New Year’s celebration. Known as the ‘bear dance’, people swayed to the rhythm of drums and melodies of pan flutes through the streets of Comanesti, eastern Romania, […]

Harnessed horse belonging to a ‘a high-ranking military officer’ unearthed in ancient stable near Pompeii

Salvatore Laporta/AP Images Archaeologists discovered the remains of a harnessed horse in a Pompeii suburb. The horse was located in a villa that archaeologists believe may have been owned by a high-ranking military official. Pompeii and its surroundings were destroyed when Mount Vesuvius erupted in 79 A.D. ROME (AP) — Archaeologists have unearthed the petrified […]

People hadn’t set foot in this ancient ‘lost city’ in the Honduran jungle for 500 years. Now the government is fighting to save it.

National Geographic/David Yoder The Honduras government is fighting to save land threatened by illegal cattle ranching, which contributes to deforestation. The land is home to the treasured Moskitia rainforest, the second-largest rainforest in Central America and a key player in the fight against climate change.  It’s also home to the vaunted “White City,” a lost […]

Discover Aleppo: Syria invites tourists to visit ancient city 2 years after liberation (VIDEO)

Video offering panoramic and aerial views of Aleppo has been released by the Syrian ministry of tourism in an apparent attempt to say that the country’s historic pearl is finally ready to receive visitors. The pitch comes almost two years after the Syrian army defeated jihadist rebel groups besieging the city in a series of […]

The Amped-Up Ancient Booze Crashing Chicago's Craft Beer Party

Chicago is a beer town, and perhaps no part of the city slugs suds like the southwest side. Seven nights a week, crowds flock to a three-mile strip of Western Avenue in the neighborhood of Beverly where restaurants and Irish pubs — emphasis on the pubs — dot every block. There’s beer and Irish whiskey […]

Ancient chocolate: Archeologists find cacao traces older than any before

Our love of chocolate goes back 5,300 years, a team of archaeologists have discovered after finding the earliest trace of the tasty treat in artifacts in the Amazon River basin in South America. Researchers went to Ecuador to investigate the earliest evidence of cacao and discovered the origin of the world’s chocolate supply dates back […]