Uber finds ‘no evidence’ that sensitive user data was stolen in hack

The intruder who claims to have hacked Uber might not have done much damage. The ridesharing firm has determined that there's "no evidence" the perpetrator accessed sensitive user data, such as trip histories. All services are functioning properly, and the company has restored the use of internal software it took down upon discovering the breach. […]

Uber is investigating a cybersecurity incident after employees got a Slack message that read, ‘I am a hacker’

Uber said it's investigating a cybersecurity incident. David Swanson/Reuters Uber said it is investigating a cybersecurity incident and is in touch with law enforcement. Uber employees received a Slack message from an unknown person saying "I am a hacker," per Bloomberg. Uber has taken Slack offline, according to Bloomberg and The New York Times. Uber […]

Uber says it’s investigating a ‘cybersecurity incident’

Uber was hacked, and it had to take its internal messaging service and engineering systems offline to investigate the incident, according to The New York Times. Sources who talked to the publication said employees were instructed not to go on Slack, where the bad actor had posted a message that read "I announce I am […]

Uber Eats and Nuro are making autonomous food deliveries in Texas and California

More Uber Eats customers would be getting their orders from vehicles with no delivery personnel in sight. That's because Uber has signed a 10-year partnership with Nuro to use its autonomous, electric vehicles to deliver food orders in the US. They'll start in Houston, Texas and Mountain View, California this fall before eventually expanding their […]

From buying sports teams to picking a hedge fund, here’s how the uber rich take outsourcing wealth to a new level

Many über-rich people don't outsource their wealth — they hire their own chief investment officers. These money managers fly under the radar, but their investment decisions range from buying sports teams to picking hedge funds. Insider's Hayley Cuccinello got to know 10 CIOs who control the vast personal fortunes of some of the richest Americans. […]

17 Fakten über Lebensmittel, die du nicht wieder vergessen wirst

1. Wenn man Ananas salzt, wird sie süßer. Yinyang / Getty Images, Sarapulsar38 / Getty Images Das funktioniert, weil Salz den bitteren Geschmack der Ananas verdrängt. 2. Apfelsinen werden oft in roten Beuteln verkauft, weil dieser Trick die Farbe der Frucht noch satter aussehen lässt. Ra3rn / Getty Images 3. Du kannst Obstsalatbäume kaufen, an […]

21 Frauen raten Männern, was sie über die Erziehung von Töchtern wissen sollten

In diesem Reddit-Thread wurden Frauen gefragt: „Was hätte dein Vater deiner Meinung nach über Mädchen wissen sollen, als du aufgewachsen bist?“ Die Antworten sollten unbedingt von Vätern (und jedem Mann, der einer werden könnte) gelesen werden. 1. „Verhalte dich nicht so, als wären ,feminine’ Dinge peinlich oder langweilig. Sei nicht der Papa, der in seinem […]

19 Menschen, die die Kontrolle über ihr Leben verloren haben

1. Es sind Fotos wie diese, die mich an dem Fortbestand der Menschheit zweifeln lassen. 2. Warum sind Leute so? 3. Also ja, wir haben alle schon viel gemacht, um nicht zu spülen, ABER WHAT THE FUCK?! 4. Wirklich. Ich hasse Menschen. 5. Wo kann ich meine Mitgliedschaft kündigen? 6. Ich weiß, wir sind die […]