Bacteria engage in chemical warfare against viruses

Enlarge (credit: Getty / Aurich) Bacteria have plenty of ways to combat the viruses that plague them, called phages. The CRISPR-Cas system and restriction enzymes that cleave phage DNA are the best understood, but there are others. They use a variety of different mechanisms and stop phages at various stages of infection, but they all […]

The weed-killing chemical involved in a Monsanto lawsuit was found in Cheerios and Quaker Oat bars. Here’s how worried you should be.

Corey Frey/Shutterstock A new round of tests from the Environmental Working Group shows the presence of a weed-killer in children’s breakfast foods like Cheerios and Lucky Charms. The chemical in question, known as glyphosate, has been tentatively linked to cancer, though many scientists argue the evidence isn’t there yet. All but two of the 28 samples in the […]

Ars on your lunch break: Theaterwide biotoxic and chemical warfare

Enlarge / “Mr. McKittrick, after very careful consideration, sir, I’ve come to the conclusion that your new defense system sucks.” (credit: MGM/UA) Today we’re presenting the fourth and final installment of my conversation with the outspoken author, podcaster, philosopher, and recovering neuroscientist Sam Harris. Please check out parts one, two, and three if you missed […]

US warns Syria response will be ‘stronger’ than ever before if Assad uses chemical weapons again

AP Photo/Hassan Ammar White House National Security Adviser John Bolton warned Syria on Monday that any use of chemical weapons against the Syrian people will result in a “much stronger response” than those following two previous incidents. The warning comes as Syrian, Russian, and pro-regime forces surround Idlib, the last rebel stronghold and the final […]

Bolton promises ‘much stronger’ response if chemical weapons used in Syria

US national security adviser John Bolton has warned that the US, France and UK will launch a ‘much stronger’ response to any chemical weapons attack in Syria, as the US bolsters its regional military presence in preparation. “We’ve tried to convey the message in recent days that if there’s a third use of chemical weapons, […]

Pentagon ‘routinely’ briefs Trump on ‘military options’ in case of chemical attack in Syria

While no final decision has yet been made, top US general says he is involved in a “routine dialogue” with Donald Trump to keep him informed about “military options” to retaliate with in case “chemical weapons are used” in Syria. “But we are in a dialogue, a routine dialogue, with the president to make sure […]

France ‘ready to strike’ Syria if chemical weapons used during Idlib offensive – army chief

France’s top military chief has said Paris is ready to bomb Syria if chemical weapons are used during the Syrian government’s retaking of Idlib province. It comes a week after Russia warned the US of a pending false flag attack. “We are ready to strike if chemical weapons were used again,” Armed Forces Chief Francois […]

US Syria rep. to visit Turkey, Jordan, Israel & address Moscow’s tip on false-flag chemical attack

Newly-appointed US Special Representative for Syria Engagement, James Jeffrey, together with US Special Envoy for Syria, Joel Rayburn, will tour Israel, Jordan and Turkey on September 1-4, the State Department has announced. During their trip, the US diplomats will reassure Israel of its support and “underscore that the United States will respond to any chemical […]

Russia gives US intel on planned chemical weapons provocation in Syria

Moscow has briefed US diplomats on a plan by militants to stage a false flag chemical weapons attack in Syria’s Idlib province meant to frame Damascus, the Russian ambassador in the US has said. Anatoly Antonov, the Russian ambassador in Washington, confirmed to the media on Wednesday he had met with the US special representative […]

British MP, establishment journalists rush for Putin's blood after Amesbury chemical death

The death of Dawn Sturgess from what police say was exposure to Novichok has sparked a new fit of Russia-blaming, as an MP, high-profile commentators and mainstream journalists pointed the finger at Moscow. READ MORE: Woman exposed to nerve agent in Amesbury dies – UK police As British police launched a murder investigation into the poisoning […]