Eyedrops, helmets & 2.5kg vests: Journalists prepare for new wave of French protests

Covering Yellow Vest protests is a hard job for reporters as they often find themselves amid heavy clashes and clouds of tear gas. Look how RT’s Charlotte Dubenskij is getting ready for the sixth weekend of rallies. “At RT we believe the best way to tell a story is to get to the heart of […]

‘Too many men’: Financial Times develops fembot to warn journalists of sexism

The Financial Times has a woman problem, or so it thinks. In the push for gender equality, and to reach out to female readers, boffins at the paper have developed a bot that warns journalists when they’re quoting too many men. The paper, which mostly covers the stuffy, male-dominated worlds of finance and industry, found […]

Trump baits journalists by ‘appealing to their own narcissism’, Jon Stewart tells CNN (VIDEO)

Donald Trump has successfully harnessed the media’s narcissism, baiting journalists into obsessing over his attacks on the press as opposed to focusing on more substantive issues, comedian Jon Stewart has warned. In an interview with CNN’s Christiane Amanpour, the former Daily Show host berated the media for allowing Trump to “change the conversation,” replacing pressing […]

‘Pressure will be on Turkey’ if Saudis found guilty of journalist’s murder in Istanbul – analysts

If the Saudis are found to be complicit in the disappearance of US-based journalist Jamal Khashoggi, the result could be a “huge earthquake in international relations,” experts believe. The Turkish government reportedly has recordings that confirm the alleged kidnapping and murder of outspoken Saudi dissident Jamal Khashoggi inside the Saudi consulate in Istanbul. The scandal […]

US can spy on journalists domestically using FISA warrants, declassified guidelines show

Newly declassified Department of Justice memos show guidelines for the US government spying on journalists and their sources using FISA warrants – the same method used to spy on Trump campaign adviser Carter Page. Two documents reveal the rules the FBI would have to follow in obtaining warrants to spy on reporters under the Foreign […]

Myanmar leader Aung San Suu Kyi said jailed Reuters journalists can appeal their sentences

AP Photo/Mark Schiefelbein Myanmar government leader Aung San Suu Kyi on Thursday said two jailed Reuters journalists can appeal their seven-year sentences, and that their jailing had nothing to do with freedom of expression. Punishment for the two journalists sparked worldwide criticism. They had been reporting on Myanmar’s crackdown on Rohingya Muslims when they were […]

3 prominent Russian journalists killed in Central African Republic – reports

A three-man crew of Russian journalists was killed in the Central African Republic, with colleagues saying they were shooting a film about mercenaries in the country. Local police say they may have fallen victim to a robbery. The three men have been named as journalist Orhan Dzhemal, director Aleksandr Rastorguyev, and cameraman Kirill Radchenko. Dzhemal […]

British MP, establishment journalists rush for Putin's blood after Amesbury chemical death

The death of Dawn Sturgess from what police say was exposure to Novichok has sparked a new fit of Russia-blaming, as an MP, high-profile commentators and mainstream journalists pointed the finger at Moscow. READ MORE: Woman exposed to nerve agent in Amesbury dies – UK police As British police launched a murder investigation into the poisoning […]