Matt Hancock accused of ‘trolling’ Naga Munchetty with flag and Queen during BBC interview

The BBC has since revealed that the broadcaster was flooded with over 100 complaints from viewers who were unimpressed by Munchetty and Stayt’s comments. The broadcaster’s most recent complaint report stated: “We received complaints from people unhappy with a comment Charlie Stayt made about the flag in the background of an interview and Naga Munchetty’s […]

Naga Munchetty apologises for glaring Northern Ireland flag error on BBC Breakfast

Similar rules will also come into effect in Scotland tomorrow but both Northern Ireland and England have made no changes to the rules regarding returning home from Portugal.  Earlier on in the programme, Naga grilled Transport Secretary Grant Shapps on the issue of ever-changing quarantine rules, where he admitted: “I realise it’s confusing to people.” […]

NASCAR Ratings Up Since Confederate Flag Ban, Contrary to Trump Claim

RELATED STORIES NASCAR ratings are up slightly since June 10, when the sport announced that it would prohibit the display of the Confederate flag from all events and properties. That year-over-year data point, shared by a Fox Sports exec, runs contrary to a claim made on Monday morning by President Donald Trump. “Has @BubbaWallace apologized […]

There’s one red flag you should watch out for before getting a tattoo, according to Johnny Depp’s tattoo artist

Gregorio Soave / The Mandrake Hotel INSIDER recently caught up with the “High Priest of Hollywood tattoo artists,” Mark Mahoney at his London residency at The Mandrake hotel. The artist, who’s favored by the likes of David Beckham and Johnny Depp, told us that you should check the parlor’s bathroom before getting a tattoo there. […]

‘Chlorine delivered’: Idlib militants ‘readying false flag attack’ in Syrian village – Russian MoD

Published time: 15 Sep, 2018 19:40 Edited time: 15 Sep, 2018 19:52 Militants in Syria’s Idlib have transported several canisters containing chlorine to the village of Bsanqul, apparently preparing to stage a false flag chemical attack, the Russian Defense Ministry has said. The chlorine-filled canisters were delivered by the Al-Qaeda-affiliated militants of Tahrir al Sham, […]

Terrorists & White Helmets met in Idlib to prep for final stage false flag chem attack – Russian MoD

The Russian military has obtained “irrefutable” data that terrorist groups, including Jabhat an-Nusra, and the infamous White Helmets met in Idlib province on Sunday, according to the ministry’s spokesperson Igor Konashenkov. The militants plotted the final scenarios for the chemical attacks that the Syrian army are expected to make in the cities of Jisr ash-Shugur, […]

First Man: Why is the flag scene NOT in the movie? Directors respond to the controversy

First Man is a docudrama of epic proportions. Taking one of the most ubiquitous stories and making it into a suspenseful drama is not an easy task. According to critics, First Man is a masterpiece – but that doesn’t stop people from finding fault with it. In the movie adaptation of the book, director Damien […]