NASCAR Ratings Up Since Confederate Flag Ban, Contrary to Trump Claim

RELATED STORIES NASCAR ratings are up slightly since June 10, when the sport announced that it would prohibit the display of the Confederate flag from all events and properties. That year-over-year data point, shared by a Fox Sports exec, runs contrary to a claim made on Monday morning by President Donald Trump. “Has @BubbaWallace apologized […]

‘Completely contrary to reality’: Trump’s Israel embassy move irreversible, US ambassador says

The US does not have any politicians on the horizon who would dare to reverse Donald Trump’s decision to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and relocate American embassy there, according to the US ambassador. Donald Trump’s daring decision to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of the Jewish nation in December of last year […]

Contrary to popular belief, most Americans pay taxes and feel a sense of pride in doing so

Don Ryan/AP Photo APRIL 18, 2017 —Contrary to popular belief, supported by complaints many hear as Tax Day approaches in mid-April, most Americans pay taxes and feel a sense of pride in doing so, studies have shown. But they don’t necessarily believe that their fellow Americans are feeling, or acting, the same. As the tax […]

Assad says chemical attack is ‘100% fabrication’ despite evidence to contrary

© Syrian Presidency Press Office/AFP Handout Damascus (AFP) – Syrian President Bashar al-Assad said a suspected chemical weapons attack was a “fabrication” to justify a US military strike, as Moscow digs in to defend its ally despite increasing strains with Washington. In an exclusive interview with AFP in Damascus — his first since the alleged […]