Russia detects missile launches from French frigate off Syria’s coast in Mediterranean – MoD

Russian airspace control systems have registered missile launches from a French frigate in the Mediterranean on Monday, the Russian Defense Ministry reported. The French Navy’s newest frigate, FS Auvergne, fired rockets around 8pm GMT Monday, the Russian military said. “Airspace control has recorded rocket launches from the French frigate Auvergne,” the ministry’s statement read. The Auvergne […]

‘Don’t test us’: Haley threatens US strikes over any attack on Syria’s Idlib

Any attack on Syria’s Idlib province is going to be “dealt with,” US ambassador to the UN Nikki Haley warned, as Washington seeks to stop the Russian-backed Syrian army from retaking the last remaining jihadist stronghold. The US has struck Syria twice after claims of chemical weapons use by the government in Damascus, Haley said […]

Trump warns Assad against ‘reckless' attack on Syria’s Idlib

US President Donald Trump has warned Syrian leader Bashar Assad not to attack Idlib province, one of the last terrorist hideouts in the country, also advising Iran and Russia against taking part in the “potential human tragedy.” Expressing his concern that hundreds of thousands of lives might be at risk during the Syrian army’s looming […]

White Helmets must be tracked down & prosecuted for ‘war crimes’ – Syria’s Grand Mufti

Russia and Syria must hunt down and prosecute members of the White Helmets for “war crimes,” Syria’s Grand Mufti has said shortly after Israel “evacuated” a large number of the group’s members at the request of the US and Canada. “These people are not refugees. They are war criminals. I’d like to ask the governments […]

No agreement on Southern Syria’s de-escalation zone until US leaves al-Tanf base – Damascus

US troops should leave Syria, and particularly the al-Tanf area in the country’s southeast, before any talks about the future of the southern regions held by the militants could take place, the Syrian Foreign Minister has said. “Do not believe any statements on an agreement about the south of Syria unless the US forces withdraw […]

Photos of US, UK, and French military strikes show just how close missiles got to Syria’s capital city

AP Photo/Hassan Ammar The US, UK, and France hit Syria with air and sea launched missile strikes on Friday night and they seem to have struck the capital city, Damascus. Observers on the ground reported hearing loud explosions and feeling the impact of missiles. “The city and the hills are surrounded by military facilities, and […]

UNSC to vote on probe into alleged chemical incident in Syria’s Douma (WATCH LIVE)

Published time: 10 Apr, 2018 19:20 The UN Security Council gathered in New York to weigh in on the alleged chemical attack in the Syrian city of Douma. It is expected to vote on the rival US and Russian draft resolutions, calling for an investigation. Russia and the US have separately requested a vote on […]

US holds Russia ‘ultimately responsible’ amid reports of dozens gassed in Syria’s Douma

The US once again said Russia is “ultimately bearing responsibility” for all chemical incidents in Syria, regardless of who carried them out, after rebel sources accused Damascus of gassing dozens in Eastern Ghouta’s Douma. “The regime’s history of using chemical weapons against its own people is not in dispute,” said the US State Department, indicating, […]