‘I’m NOT going to be in a coalition’ Sturgeon LOSES temper as Morgan skewers her on Corbyn

Morgan asked: “You’ve clearly indicated, if it comes to it, you’ll support Corbyn over Boris Johnson, so that may be how it goes. “However, you’ve also said it’s a deal breaker for you as a party that the Trident Nuclear missile programme,” he added, before reiterating Labour’s stance. Probing if the opposition stuck by their […]

US-led coalition admits 1,100+ civilians killed in Iraq & Syria in latest death toll

The US-led coalition has published the latest casualty figures for its airstrikes in Iraq and Syria since the start of Operation Inherent Resolve in 2014. At least 1,139 civilians have been “unintentionally” killed by coalition strikes, the statement said. The death toll, presented monthly by the US, has been repeatedly challenged by Amnesty International. The […]

‘Precision strike?' US coalition targets ISIS butcher, as Syria says the missiles hit army positions

The US-led coalition says it targeted a top Islamic State terrorist commander, who was involved in the beheading of a US officer and posed an “imminent threat.” Local media, however, claim the airstrike hit Syrian army positions. “Coalition forces conducted precision strikes against a senior ISIS (Islamic State, IS) member, Abu al Umarayn, and several […]

Saudi-led coalition bombing Yemen asks US to stop refueling its planes

The Saudi-led coalition fighting in Yemen is opting to refuel its aircraft independently going forward, ending a controversial collaboration with US military assets. The Saudi Press agency released a statement on Saturday explaining that the coalition was able to “increase their capacity” for refueling their aircraft and would do so independently going forward. Read more […]

US urges Saudi-led coalition to stop airstrikes in ‘populated areas’ of Yemen

Published time: 31 Oct, 2018 00:35 Edited time: 31 Oct, 2018 00:39 The US Secretary of State, Mike Pompeo, has urged the Saudi-led coalition to stop airstrikes in heavily populated Yemen, shortly after Defense Secretary Jim Mattis said a that long-lasting ceasefire is the only possible solution. “Time is now for the cessation of hostilities, […]

19 civilians died in Saudi-led coalition strike on Yemeni market – report

At least 19 people were killed when the latest Saudi-led coalition airstrike on civilians destroyed a fruit and vegetable market near the Yemeni Red Sea port city of Hodeida, local officials told AP. The rise in casualties follows initial reports that Wednesday’s airstrike had killed five people and injured a further six, when the raid […]

‘Evidence’ Saudi-led coalition aims to destroy food production in Houthi-controlled Yemen – report

As the war in Yemen rages on, a new report says there is “strong evidence” that the Saudi-led coalition has aimed to destroy food production and distribution in areas of the country controlled by Houthi rebels. The report, titled ‘Strategies of the Coalition in the Yemen War: Aerial Bombardment and Food War’, is a compilation […]

US sets up coalition to track foreign ships delivering fuel to North Korea – report

A US Navy ship will reportedly host military personnel from the Five Eyes countries plus Japan and South Korea to monitor foreign vessels delivering fuel to the North in violation of UN sanctions. The coalition will include the US, the UK, Australia, New Zealand and Canada – America’s partners within the Five Eyes intelligence-sharing alliance […]

Germans split on whether Merkel should remain chancellor, poll shows amid coalition feud

A new poll shows that some 43 percent of Germans believe that Chancellor Angela Merkel should step down. It comes amid fears that her rift with Bavaria over ‘open-door’ migrant policy may plunge the coalition into crisis. A YouGov poll, which was conducted ahead of Sunday’s emergency EU meeting called by Merkel in an attempt […]

‘You can smell the bodies’: Angelina Jolie in Mosul one year after ‘liberation’ by US-led coalition

Nearly a year after Mosul in Iraq was declared “liberated” from ISIS terrorists, UNHCR envoy Angelina Jolie said the stench of dead bodies buried under the rubble was still present, amid the “worst devastation” she has ever seen. “There are bodies in this rubble that stay here and you can smell the bodies and some […]