US urges Saudi-led coalition to stop airstrikes in ‘populated areas’ of Yemen

Published time: 31 Oct, 2018 00:35 Edited time: 31 Oct, 2018 00:39 The US Secretary of State, Mike Pompeo, has urged the Saudi-led coalition to stop airstrikes in heavily populated Yemen, shortly after Defense Secretary Jim Mattis said a that long-lasting ceasefire is the only possible solution. “Time is now for the cessation of hostilities, […]

Afghans protest ‘achievements’ of government after airstrikes kill 24 people in 5 days

As the Taliban continues to gain ground in Afghanistan, the US and local forces have stepped up their bombing campaign, causing a spike in civilian casualties. Fed up with the carnage, Afghans hit the streets to protest. Angry crowds took to the streets of the Afghan city of Kunduz on Wednesday, protesting airstrikes by the […]

More than 150 rockets were launched from the Gaza Strip overnight and Israel retaliated with deadly airstrikes

Ilia Yefimovich/Getty Images Palestinian militants on the Gaza Strip launched at least 150 rockets at Israel overnight, and Israel retaliated by pounding the region with deadly airstrikes. The Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) claimed that mounting violence began on Wednesday after militants shot at an IDF vehicle in Gaza. In response, Israel responded with tank fire, which […]

Putin & Erdogan vow more cooperation on Syria after US-led airstrikes

Russian President Vladimir Putin and his Turkish counterpart, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, spoke on the phone following the strikes launched by the US, the UK and France against targets in Syria. Putin reiterated his statement that attacking Syria without a UN Security Council mandate was a violation of international law on the part of the Western […]

Syria airstrikes will not deter chemical weapons inspectors – OPCW

A fact-finding mission by the UN’s chemical weapons watchdog will continue in Syria despite airstrikes carried out on the country hours earlier by the US, UK, and France. Inspectors from the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) are in the country to investigate the circumstances surrounding reports of a gas attack in the […]

Putin called Netanyahu to warn against further airstrikes in Syria

Jim Hollander – Pool / Getty Images Russian President Vladimir Putin called his Israeli counterpart Benjamin Netanyahu on Wednesday and warned against further airstrikes in Syria. Russia accused Israel of leading a recent aerial attack in Syria, an allegation Israel has neither confirmed nor denied. Netanyahu and Putin have maintained positive ties in the past, however […]

A 15-year-old Syrian boy is tweeting heartbreaking videos of Eastern Ghouta under attack from furious Russian and government airstrikes

Twitter/muhammadnajem20 A 15-year-old boy named Muhammad Najem, who lives in Syria’s Eastern Ghouta, is tweeting pictures and videos of his region under attack from Russian and Syrian airstrikes. His images and videos have not been independently verified, but activists on the ground have said that he is “legit.” Russian trolls have begun attacking him on […]

UK spent £1.75 billion on airstrikes in Iraq & Syria since 2014 – report

The UK has spent £1.75bn ($ 2.44bn) on air and drone strikes in Iraq and Syria as part of the US-led campaign against Islamic State, the Drone Wars UK group said, based on data it acquired through Freedom of Information requests. Since August 2014, the Tornado, Typhoon and Reaper aircraft of the Royal Air Force […]

Afghan civilians recall airstrikes that leveled their villages & killed families (VIDEO)

As the US drops ever more bombs on Afghanistan, local residents scramble to escape their native villages as they turn to ruins around them. Some of those lucky enough to make it out alive recounted their ordeal to RT. With the Trump administration ramping up the protracted 16-year Afghan War, more civilians become trapped in […]