‘True Viking!’ Twitter mocks Swedish envoy for panic over small fire started by Yellow Vests

As Yellow Vest protests gripped Paris once again, Sweden’s ambassador to France grumbled about police not doing anything about a fire started by protesters in front of the embassy. Her rant provoked some sarcastic responses. The latest protests by defiant yellow vests seemingly caught Swedish Ambassador Veronika Wand-Danielsson somewhat off-guard, as she apparently discovered that […]

‘Last diplomat he knew’: Ecuador ousts London envoy, fuels rumors of Assange’s imminent eviction

Ecuador’s President Lenin Moreno has terminated the credentials of his UK ambassador, who has been at the center of negotiating the fate of WikiLeaks co-founder Julian Assange, as concerns mount over the whistleblower’s safety. The decree, with which Moreno effectively sacked Ecuador’s London ambassador Abbad Ortiz, was published by WikiLeaks on Wednesday. The document does […]

Saudi envoy leaves US, Washington expects ‘report’ on Khashoggi on his return

Saudi Arabia’s ambassador to the US has unexpectedly left for Riyadh, with the State Department saying they did not request it but “expect” the envoy to return with information about the missing journalist Jamal Khashoggi. “That was not our direction,” State Department spokeswoman Heather Nauert told reporters on Thursday, adding, “we expect some information when […]

Russia’s UN envoy ‘regrets’ Haley’s resignation

The Russian ambassador to the UN, Vassily Nebenzia, has expressed his regret over the US envoy Nikki Haley’s surprise resignation. “That was her decision. We have to respect it,” he told journalists, adding that the two had good “working relationships despite the existing differences.” Earlier, the US President Donald Trump said he accepted Haley’s resignation, […]

‘Spy mania’: Moscow summons Norwegian envoy over ‘absurd’ detention of Russian man

Moscow has lodged a “strong protest” with Norway after the arrest of a Russian Senate employee who took part in a parliamentary event in Oslo. The “absurd” spy charges are part of the West’s “spy mania,” the Foreign Ministry said. The ministry has demanded an explanation from the Norwegian ambassador Rune Resaland over the arrest […]

‘Freedom of navigation isn’t a freedom to invade & infringe upon sovereignty’ – China’s UK envoy

Beijing “cherishes” the freedom of navigation principle but will not remain idle as Western powers use it as a pretext to show off their “military might” and “create trouble” in the South China Sea, China’s UK ambassador has said. “Some big countries outside the region did not seem to appreciate the peace and tranquility in […]

ISIS receives arms, funding ‘under patronage’ of foreign special services & NGOs – Russia’s UN envoy

The remnants of ISIS continue to receive foreign funding and arms supplies, Russian ambassador Vassily Nebenzia told the UN Security Council, adding that the terrorists are seeking to diversify their crippled sources of income. “Evidence continues to amass that weapons are being smuggled [to Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS/ISIL) terrorist group in Syria] from outside, […]

Moscow appoints action star Steven Seagal special envoy on Russia-US humanitarian ties

Hollywood star Steven Seagal, who was granted Russian citizenship back in 2016, is going to be Moscow’s special representative on humanitarian relations with the US. The veteran actor’s task will be “to contribute to the further development of Russian-American relations in the humanitarian sphere, including interactions in the fields of culture, art, public and youth […]

We want to hear from Scotland Yard, not media reports on Skripals’ case – Russian envoy to UK

Moscow is waiting for any official statement on the Skripal attack suspects, Russian ambassador to the UK, Alexander Yakovenko, has said in the wake of media reports that police identified some “Russians” as the culprits. On Thursday, the Press Association reported that British investigators believe they identified “the suspected perpetrators” of the March poisoning of […]

American troops unlikely to leave Germany, US NATO envoy says

Not much is likely to change for the 35,000 American soldiers stationed in Germany, as the US ambassador to NATO says there are no plans for their withdrawal, despite speculations that Trump may be considering a troop pullout. Kay Bailey Hutchison, the Trump administration’s envoy to NATO, told reporters on Thursday that there is “nothing […]