Trump-Russia dossier was created so Clinton could challenge 2016 election results – Steele

The British ex-spy who authored the infamous dossier alleging collusion between Donald Trump and the Kremlin said one of his goals was to give Hillary Clinton legal basis to challenge the 2016 election results. Christopher Steele’s salacious 17-page report was commissioned by Fusion GPS, a firm connected to Clinton’s campaign. “Based on that advice, parties […]

3 people have reportedly contradicted Jeff Sessions’ claim that he opposed a Trump-Russia meeting during the campaign

Sign up for the latest Russia investigation updates here. Thomson Reuters Attorney General Jeff Sessions might have lied in a key portion of his sworn testimony before Congress, a Reuters investigation found. Sessions said last year that he had pushed back against a proposal for the President Donald Trump campaign to meet with Russian officials. But […]

Mueller reportedly has evidence that a Trump associate met with a Kremlin ally in early 2017 to create a secret Trump-Russia backchannel

Larry Downing/Reuters A witness in the Russia investigation has testified that Trump associate Erik Prince helped arrange a 2017 meeting in the Seychelles islands with a Kremlin ally as part of an effort to establish a backchannel of communication between the US and Russia, and to discuss US-Russia relations under the Trump administration.  The revelation […]

The author of the Trump-Russia dossier claims the Kremlin told Trump not to nominate Mitt Romney for secretary of state

Thomson Reuters The author of the dossier detailing President Donald Trump’s alleged connections to Russia wrote another report in late 2016 that alleged Russia had intervened to block Trump’s nomination of former Utah Gov. Mitt Romney for secretary of state. Russia allegedly wanted Trump to pick someone who would cooperate with them on their goals […]

Even Italian Prosecutors Can't Find The Professor At The Center Of The Trump-Russia Probe

The list of people looking for Joseph Mifsud, the professor who allegedly told a Donald Trump campaign aide that Russia had “dirt” on Hillary Clinton, keeps getting longer. BuzzFeed News has learned that Italian prosecutors have been unable to find the mysterious Maltese academic — who went to ground after being identified as a key […]

Susan Rice documented a January 2017 meeting with Obama and senior officials because they were ‘justifiably concerned’ about Trump-Russia ties

REUTERS/Jonathan Ernst Susan Rice, the former national security adviser, said through her attorney Friday that she documented a controversial January 2017 meeting she had with senior Obama administration officials because they were “justifiably concerned” about ties between Russia and members of the incoming Trump administration. Rice’s attorney said she memorialized the meeting upon the advice […]

Another key Trump campaign official is stonewalling the House Intelligence Committee amid the Trump-Russia investigation

AP Photo/John Minchillo Former Trump campaign manager Corey Lewandowski testified before the House Intelligence Committee on Wednesday, but refused to answer questions about events that took place during the campaign and his conversations with President Donald Trump since then. Lewandowski is the latest official to stonewall the committee as it probes Russia’s election interference and […]

Inside the battle between an anti-Putin banker and the firm that produced the Trump-Russia dossier

Thomson Reuters A fierce, but muted, battle erupted last year between banker-turned-human-rights activist Bill Browder and the opposition research firm Fusion GPS. Fusion is the organization that produced the explosive, unverified dossier that detailed President Donald Trump’s alleged ties to, and escapades in, Russia. That battle escalated on Tuesday when the ranking member of the Senate […]

This week in the Trump-Russia investigation — tough talk from Steve Bannon, developments at the DOJ, and renewed focus on George Papadopoulos

REUTERS/Joshua Roberts During the first week of 2018, investigators and the president’s allies alike zeroed in on the Department of Justice, with two Republican congressmen calling on Attorney General Jeff Sessions to resign and former campaign manager for President Donald Trump, Paul Manafort, suing the department, seeking to limit its powers. Underneath all the drama […]

This week in the Trump-Russia investigation — Mueller targets big data, the White House prepares to cast Mike Flynn as a liar, and GOP rep calls for FBI purge

Alex Wong/Getty Images Ahead of the New Year, the investigation into the Trump campaign’s potential collusion with Russia during the 2016 presidential election remained relatively quiet, as it has since former national security adviser Michael Flynn’s dramatic indictment at the start of this month. Special counsel Robert Mueller III dove into the Trump campaign’s data […]