Soulmates Sneak Peek: A Professor Gets a Pretty, Law-Breaking Surprise

RELATED STORIES A mild-mannered college professor gets a most unexpected — and unwanted — surprise in this exclusive sneak peek from Episode 2 of AMC’s Soulmates. The six-episode anthology series’ premiere established that in the year 2023, scientists identify in the human body the “soul particle,” which opens the door for the company Soul Connex […]

Money Heist season 5 theories: Major clue Alicia Sierra will join The Professor revealed

Money Heist fans were on the edge of their seats throughout season four as the gang struggled to stay in control of the Bank of Spain robbery. Fortunately as the series came to an end, it looked as though they were back in control as Lisbon (played by Itziar Ituño) entered the bank and they […]

Piers Morgan erupts as professor compares Winston Churchill to Hitler ‘Offensive!’

Piers Morgan and Susanna Reid welcomed Professor Kehinde Andrews and journalist Tom Harwood onto Good Morning Britain today to discuss whether controversial historical statues should remain after the statue of plantation and slave over Robert Milligan was removed in London, following Black Lives Matter protestors who toppled a Edward Colston statue. During a debate on whether the statue […]

Money Heist season 5 theories: Lisbon to betray The Professor in devastating twist

For two seasons of Money Heist, Lisbon, first known as Raquel Murillo (played by Itziar Ituño), was working against The Professor (Álvaro Morte) as she tried to apprehend the robbers. However, after falling for The Professor during her working as an Inspector, she decided to leave Spain and move to Thailand with her mother and […]

Legion Boss on Why He's Ending the Show — and Introducing Professor X

Legion‘s story is drawing to a close this year… but not before a much-anticipated family reunion. The upcoming third season of FX’s mind-bending mutant drama will be its last, the network confirmed this week, and creator Noah Hawley says that was his plan all along. “I think endings are what give stories meaning,” he told […]

A Harvard professor says most of us squander 5-minute opportunities to be happier every day

Girl Geek Academy/Flickr Don’t waste small pockets of free time by mindlessly checking email. Instead, consider chatting with a coworker, which might make you happier than you expect. That’s according to a Harvard Business School professor, who writes that we overestimate how long it will take to enjoy an experience. Harvard Business Review’s recent cover […]

Recreational drug use 'widespread' among English footballers, says professor

Drugs such as cocaine and marijuana are commonly used by England’s top flight footballers amid claims that the FA does not take drug-testing seriously, according to an expert in researching the use of drugs in sport. Professor Ivan Waddington, who works at the University of Chester, has spent decades analyzing the impact of drugs on […]

‘Grossly predatory’: Sex professor points ‘MeToo’ finger at God over Virgin Mary

A Minnesota professor has taken aim at Christmas, putting the Bible under the MeToo spotlight by arguing that the virgin birth story shows God as the ultimate sexual predator. Eric Sprankle, a professor of clinical psychology and sexuality studies at Minnesota State University, opened the proverbial can of worms this week, tweeting that “The virgin […]

MIT professor accuses Bellingcat’s Higgins of enabling ‘war criminals’ to walk free in Syria (VIDEO)

A debate between Bellingcat’s Eliot Higgins and MIT Professor Theodore Postol on the alleged chemical weapons attack in Khan Sheikhoun, Syria in April 2017 got heated as the two accused each other of covering up war crimes. The opponents met on the grounds of the Center for Investigative Journalism’s Conspiracy conference in London on Saturday, […]