Brexit may only have a ’50-50′ chance of actually happening, according to a senior politician

Photo by Matt Cardy/Getty Images Brexit has only a “50-50” chance of happening if MPs vote against Theresa May’s deal, according to senior politician Liam Fox. The best way to guarantee Britain exits the European Union on March 29, 2019 is for MPs to support the withdrawal agreement. But there are no guarantees the agreement […]

Princess Eugenie wedding: Senior royal ‘WON’T’ attend for this very unexpected reason

Camilla, Duchess of Cornwall, has reportedly declined the chance to see her niece-in-law Princess Eugenie of York get married. According to an insider, the 71-year-old has refused to change her plans to see the nuptials – after already having committed to attend a school harvest festival. The second royal wedding of 2018 was scheduled eight […]

Sitrep: The Air Force’s senior citizen chopper may have to hold off retirement

(video link) The US Air Force has some of the most high-tech aircraft in the world flying missions at the spear’s tip. But a remarkably large number of its systems are what would gently be referred to as “vintage”—and those systems are performing some of the Air Force’s most important missions. One of those senior-citizen […]

‘Thaw’ in Russian-US parliamentary relations – senior senator

The head of the Russian Upper House Committee for International Relations has stated that the recent visit of US Congressmen to Moscow had “thawed” the hitherto frozen parliamentary dialogue between the two nations. “The meaning of this visit and its consequences are that it has become possible for the inter-parliamentary dialogue to get some structured […]

Senior scientist argues that we should bypass Europa for Enceladus

Enlarge / Planetary scientist Carolyn Porco speaks on stage at the National Geographic Awards on Thursday, June 14, 2018, at Lisner Auditorium in Washington, D.C. (credit: Taylor Mickal/National Geographic) In its quest to find extant life in the Solar System, NASA has focused its gaze on the Jovian moon Europa, home to what is likely […]

Royal wedding 2018 news: Meghan and Harry ask senior US Bishop to give address

The royal wedding of Meghan Markle, 36 and Prince Harry, 33, will take place in just one week on May 19. Taking place at Windsor Castle, the pair will wed before travelling through Windsor in a royal carriage to greet well wishers. Over 600 guests have been invited with the procession to start at approximately […]

Fewer than 10% of people in Norway use cash — and a senior official thinks it could disappear completely in a decade

Reuters The deputy governor of the Norwegian central bank believes that the country is effectively cashless. Use of physical money is incredibly rare in the Scandinavian nation, with fewer than 10% of transactions including cash. Cashlessness is on the rise globally, with almost 40% of Brits saying they can see themselves ditching the use of cash […]

Exclusive: Senior Lib Dems begin to discuss who should replace Vince Cable

REUTERS/Neil Hall Lib Dem leader Sir Vince Cable is under pressure to make an impact at next month’s local elections. The party is stagnant in the polls and largely excluded from national policy debates. Party figures are considering who could succeed Cable and turn the party around. Jo Swinson and Layla Moran are the early […]