Swedish right-wing parliamentary candidate attacked by 'immigrant' during campaign meeting

A member of the Swedish right-wing Alternative for Sweden (AfS) party, who is currently running for parliament, says he was “punched in the face” by a young immigrant during an election campaign stop in Western Sweden. It should have been an ordinary campaign meeting, which every party in Sweden holds ahead of the elections. But […]

‘Thaw’ in Russian-US parliamentary relations – senior senator

The head of the Russian Upper House Committee for International Relations has stated that the recent visit of US Congressmen to Moscow had “thawed” the hitherto frozen parliamentary dialogue between the two nations. “The meaning of this visit and its consequences are that it has become possible for the inter-parliamentary dialogue to get some structured […]

Israeli diplomat mocked after revealing parliamentary probe into whether Tamimi family were ‘actors’

The Israeli parliament investigated a conspiracy theory claiming the family of jailed activist Ahed Tamimi were a group of actors hired to promote the Palestinian cause, a new interview has revealed. The probe was initiated two years ago by Michael Oren, deputy minister for diplomacy and former ambassador to the United States, who was mocked […]

Tony Blair’s old parliamentary seat conquered by far-left Corbynistas

Hard-left supporters of Jeremy Corbyn have taken over the parliamentary constituency once represented by former Labour PM Tony Blair. Corbynistas are now in pole position managing Sedgefield. Members of Momentum, a pro-Corbyn grassroots group, have swept 11 out of the 12 seats on the constituency executive following an annual general meeting in July, giving long-standing […]

Spanish court sets €150,000 bail for Catalan parliamentary speaker

Published time: 9 Nov, 2017 22:16 Edited time: 9 Nov, 2017 22:27 Spain’s Supreme Court has ordered that Catalan parliamentary speaker, Carme Forcadell, be released on bail of €150,000 ($ 174,615) pending an investigation into her role in Catalonia’s referendum, Reuters report citing a court source. Four other lawmakers would also be released once they […]

Germany ‘assumes’ Russia trying to influence parliamentary election – govt report

Germany is a major target of spying and cyberattacks by foreign states, according to a new government report. The document says it is “assumed” that Russia is seeking to influence the upcoming parliamentary election. The report by the Bundesamt für Verfassungsschutz (BfV) domestic intelligence agency, released Tuesday, says Germany is a common target of cyberattacks […]

Parliamentary commission selects draft text for Russian oath of allegiance

Published time: 30 Jun, 2017 13:37 Russian lawmakers have selected a preliminary draft for the oath of allegiance to be taken in the process of receiving Russian citizenship. Read more The idea to introduce an oath-taking ceremony into the process of receiving Russian citizenship was proposed by Russian President Vladimir Putin earlier in June. Lawmakers […]

Armenia’s ruling party wins parliamentary polls – official results

Published time: 9 Apr, 2017 17:44Edited time: 9 Apr, 2017 17:57 Armenia’s ruling Republican Party along with three other parties has made it into parliament in the country’s first general elections since adopting a constitutional reform which extends powers of the legislature and the prime minister. Read more The Republican Party of Armenia, headed by […]