Outrage at govt. advisor’s date rape comments sees right-wing come to his defense

Calls to sack philosopher Sir Roger Scruton, from an unpaid government role, have grown after quotes stating there was “no such crime” as date rape were attributed to him. Buzzfeed News unearthed that in a 2005 lecture, Scruton dismissed both date rape and sexual harassment, saying the latter was just “impoliteness,” claiming that there was […]

Massive protest against right-wing surge hits Berlin as ethnic tensions boil over in Germany

Thousands have rallied in Berlin against the riding wave of right-wing politics. The protests come in the wake of recent far-right and neo-Nazi demonstrations against multiculturalism in Chemnitz, Köthen, and Schönberg. Groups including, pro-refugee, LGBTIQ+ groups, and Muslim organizations hit the streets in support of Saturday’s ‘Indivisible’ protest against the growing surge of racism and […]

Brazil’s right-wing Bolsonaro narrowly misses first round win in presidential election

Brazilian right-wing candidate Jair Bolsonaro will head to the second round of the country’s election, facing leftist candidate Fernando Haddad on October 28, after narrowly failing to secure fifty percent of first round votes. Bolsonaro is leading the polls in the first round of the presidential election, with 47 percent of the vote and 92.5 percent […]

'Not kosher'? Jewish-only section of Germany's right-wing AfD raises eyebrows

The anti-migrant Alternative for Germany is routinely accused of anti-Semitic views, but its Jewish supporters have just subverted expectation by forming a faith-based group within the party. Some Jews are not OK with that. The group of Jews within the AfD is aiming to hold its inaugural meeting in the German city of Offenbach on […]

Facebook punishes liberal news site after fact check by right-wing site

Enlarge (credit: Getty Images | Eoneren) Facebook yesterday gave a “false rating” to an article written by a liberal news site after a conservative publication used by Facebook as a fact checker claimed the article was incorrect. The article in question, published by ThinkProgress, was titled, “Brett Kavanaugh said he would kill Roe v. Wade […]

UKIP to allow debate on membership for right-wing activist Tommy Robinson

The United Kingdom Independence Party (UKIP) will allow a debate to be held on whether the controversial right-wing activist Tommy Robinson will be allowed to join the party. “UKIP Party Chairman Tony McIntryre has come to a decision on allowing a debate at the party conference on whether Tommy Robinson should be allowed to join […]

11 hospitalized as rival right-wing & anti-fascist protests face off in Chemnitz, Germany (VIDEOS)

Eleven people have been taken to hospital in the wake of a right-wing demonstration and an anti-fascist counter-protest in the eastern German city of Chemnitz, where a fatal stabbing sparked a wave of rallies. [embedded content] Tensions were running high in Chemnitz with sporadic clashes being reported between the participants of two rival marches that […]

Swedish right-wing parliamentary candidate attacked by 'immigrant' during campaign meeting

A member of the Swedish right-wing Alternative for Sweden (AfS) party, who is currently running for parliament, says he was “punched in the face” by a young immigrant during an election campaign stop in Western Sweden. It should have been an ordinary campaign meeting, which every party in Sweden holds ahead of the elections. But […]

Facebook apologizes to right-wing group PragerU after being accused of censoring its videos

PragerU/Youtube Facebook apologized to a right-wing non-profit group after it blocked some of its videos, making them invisible to its followers. Facebook said the removal of the videos was a mistake, and they have been restored. PragerU seems unconvinced, claiming the removal was an act of deliberate censorship. Facebook has apologized to American conservative non-profit […]