Trump called on lawmakers to institute the ‘death penalty for drug dealers’ despite the fact that he pardoned people convicted of selling drugs

Former President Donald Trump speaks at a rally in Wilkes-Barre, Pa., Saturday, Sept. 3, 2022. Mary Altaffer/Associated Press Trump spoke at a rally Saturday for the first time since the August 8 search at Mar-a-Lago. Trump said he was calling on lawmakers to institute capital punishment for drug dealers. But before leaving office, Trump pardoned […]

Gogglebox’s Jenny rubbishes Meghan’s Archie claim with key fact ‘What they talking about?’

As Jenny was trying to argue that they wouldn’t do that, Lee shushed her and told her to “Shut up” as he sat up to the edge of his seat and waiting for the Dutches to reply.  Later on in the show, they reacted to Piers Morgan’s comments on the Meghan interview on Good Morning Britain.  “I […]

The Orville blends science fiction and science fact into a winning mix

Enlarge / The crew of the USS Orville stands ready for a new season of adventures in season 2 of The Orville. (credit: Fox Broadcasting) The Orville, Seth MacFarlane’s warm homage to the Star Trek franchise, delighted viewers with the interstellar adventures of the crew aboard the titular starship. As the series gears up for […]

Flight secrets: Pilot reveals this horrifying fact about plane food

Flights are not known for providing good quality plane food the majority of the time, many passengers believe. A pilot has now revealed that there’s another reason – beyond taste – why travellers may want to think again about aircraft meals. The pilot, who posted on US knowledge-sharing site Quora unveiled the alarming way food […]

Top tech companies like Netflix and LinkedIn say they have no problem with employees interviewing for other jobs — in fact, they might want to help

Strelka Institute for Media, Architecture and Design/Fllickr The best management strategy is encouraging employees to be open about next steps in their career, according to top tech companies like Netflix and LinkedIn. Executives at these companies have said publicly that they have no problem with employees interviewing for other jobs — in fact, they sometimes […]

Advertisers allege Facebook hid the fact that no one watches video ads

Enlarge According to a newly public filing in an ongoing lawsuit, a group of advertisers now says that Facebook has been willfully withholding information about how much time its users spend watching paid ads—if more people spend more time watching ads, then those ads can command higher rates. The case of LLE One LLC et […]

Facebook punishes liberal news site after fact check by right-wing site

Enlarge (credit: Getty Images | Eoneren) Facebook yesterday gave a “false rating” to an article written by a liberal news site after a conservative publication used by Facebook as a fact checker claimed the article was incorrect. The article in question, published by ThinkProgress, was titled, “Brett Kavanaugh said he would kill Roe v. Wade […]

Google CEO Sundar Pichai revealed a jaw-dropping fact about its translation app that shows how much money is still sitting on the table (GOOGL, GOOG)

Stephen Lam/Reuters Google Translate could end up being the search giant’s next hit product. The service now translates 143 billion words a day and saw a boost in use during the World Cup. Google doesn’t sell ads on the service, but its potential appeal for advertisers is obvious. Google has a long list of hit […]

A Trump administration ‘myth vs fact’ sheet on its family separation policy deliberately avoids the most important point about the scandal

Susan Walsh/AP The Trump administration is under fire for its policy of separating children from their parents at the US-Mexico border. As a result, the Department of Homeland Security has published a supposed fact check of its family separation policy. It details “myths” about the policy, and blames the media and congressmen for negative stories […]